Friday, January 10, 2014

Winter ...

I love mornings like this!  I have nothing on my calendar that demands my time!  I have the lunches packed.  The kids ate their breakfast and are off to school.  And Mike walked out the back door off to work holding his V8 juice.  (It seems to be our winter immune booster.  :)  )  Now, the washer and dryer are running and Ashlyn and I plan on having a day together inside! 

We woke up this morning with a lite snow falling again!  It looks so pretty and being blessed with a warm house is .... well, a blessing!!!  We are so grateful for the small heater that Dad Lapps gave us for Christmas.  It is the ticket on these chilly mornings for the kids while they eat breakfast.  The kitchen area is chilly mornings and with that little extra heat blowing on Matthew while he eats his eggs ... makes him smile!!!  It's so cute!  Thanks Dads!

I took the kids out in the Yukon this morning to wait for the bus.  Matthew was reviewing his spelling words and bible memory while we waited.  Hadassah did a quick run down of her memory too.  Ashlyn was still snuggled under her bed covers.  Ginger was so glad to be in the vehicle with us.  (Ginger just loves to go away.  Even if it's just out the lane and back.)  I came back inside and made a cup of coffee.  I combed my hair and decided that staying in my pj's for a bit longer was OK.  :)  It just feels so good being in pj's and watching the snow fall outside.  Ashlyn woke up and went right to her favorite boxes.  She is so into puzzles right now.  And me too!!!  She has her favorite ones and we have put these same puzzles together almost every morning for weeks now.  She still needs my help a little but is really getting good!  She demanded that I eat my yogurt and granola and sip on my coffee while we do the puzzles.  I was glad to do that because I too am so into a puzzle right now.  Mom Lapp gave a 1000 piece to Hadassah for Christmas and I decided the other week to start on it.  It's a winter fun project and it's taking up all my spare time.  I love to put puzzle together and winter is the only really good time to do them.  This one being a hard puzzle, it's taking lots of time.  I find myself going to my table a lot during the day.  The past few evenings have been spent bending over the pieces trying to piece just one more!  I cheered the other night when I was one a roll!!!  I might be able to finish it today if I let myself get deeply involved!?!?!  :) 

Winter is still not my favorite season but I am really enjoying the slower pace.  There's no other time of the year when I can sit on my chair and put puzzle together.  There's no other time of the year when I love to chill out with the kids on the floor and do their puzzles or read more than one Bible Story devotional.  We are so into our Uncle Arthur Bedtime Story books right now.  Both Mike and I had these same books when we were little and Mike remembers a lot of them!  We pick out a story each night before bed and often times end up reading more than one.  The children are really enjoying these stories and often take a book to bed and read some more.  Only winter seems to allow nights of good reading for our family.  There's no other time of the year when I make some hot tea and sip till my hearts content.  Especially when I have delicious tea from Linda that she gave me for Christmas!  I feel like the queen of England when I drink from my cup with those nylon netted tea bags!  I never saw such pretty tea bags.  They by far beat those regular cotton type of bags.  Thanks again Linda!!!  I also love that I get to enjoy my early mornings with Mike reading devotions!  The winter hours allow Mike to not be rushed out the door so early.  Our winter evenings at home together have also been a blessing!  Winter can be enjoyable!  I wish that my urge to scrapbook would come back!  I know cropping next weekend will help!!!  And when my puzzle is completed I will be able to catch up in my journal and cropping.  I have so much to write and crop!  I can't wait!

Winter is also the time of year where my mom and sister seem to do more things together.  On Tuesday, mom was into getting together and doing something, so they came here and we did puzzle a bit and then played some "dice".  Then the next day we went for fabric and then to the mall.  I love shopping in the winter because I go right to the clearance racks, and because we love the south for a winter vacation, I must times can still find some summer clothes for a good price!  The day out with them was such fun!  Thanks ladies!!!

I hope that you find winter to be a time to relax, read, maybe do a puzzle or two also!  ;)  Winter seems to last longer than any other season.  (I know that's a head thing for me and I am trying to get over that thought.)  I just get Spring fever way too soon!!!  But, today is winter and I am going to try to enjoy every bit of it!!!  It's a season to be indoors, organize the house and relax!

"Let it snow ... it's winter".