Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's ...

You know when you read something somewhere and you are inspired sometimes it clicks in your head to do something like that to.  I read this neat Mother's Day writing and loved it.  I wish I would have written it and then I thought, well, why don't I write my own little Mother's Day poem? 

I love my mom very much and she has done more for me in my life than I could ever list!  She's been there when I was little and needed my legs treated during the night because of 'growing pains'.  She was there when I took my first ride on the school bus and started kindergarten.  She packed tons of lunches for me and every single day so that I have clean clothes to wear.  She cooked a full course meal every night for supper and a warm breakfast was set on the kitchen table every morning.  She taught me how to take care of myself as I grew older.  Turning into a young lady was no pressure on mom and she enjoyed watching us girls enter into high school, youth group, and church activities.  I remember asking her for advice now and then and she was never pushy or said, "You must do it this way."  Thanks mom!!!

I'm not sure how it must have been watching me date and then get engaged but I do remember that they were very special moments for me.  Planning for my wedding was a pure delight and mom was right there with her book writing down all our plans.  I shopped and she paid.  Boy, weren't those the best of days!!!  :)  I remember when sister Jody got married and right after that I went to Florida for a few days.  I talked to dad on the phone after arriving south and he said that he thinks mom cried this morning when there were no dresses in the laundry.  Now, being a mom, I think I'm going to cry when that day comes for me too!  It's times like these that a teenage girl realizes that she is missed when she's not home and I knew I was really loved.  (I knew that before but it's moments like that that you feel extra special.)  After I got married, mom and dad had both girls moved out and only boys at home.  Again, I know I would miss all the drama and giggles that my girls bring into our home and I think I would have to visit them every day but mom is never demanding.  She is one to give space and when I started to care for my own home, she was there when I asked.  One time she stopped in and she said that she was impressed that I didn't have a whole closet of shoes right inside the door because when I was at home I was known to 'leave my trail'.  They didn't have to yell for me to come, they just followed my shoe path, my back pack, or purse.  :)  Realizing now, I wasn't the best at keeping my things in their organized places!!! 

I called mom often, and still do, when I started cooking.  I remember calling her and asking how long to cook chicken or a roast.  Mom was a good cook and I knew that if I did it the way she said, my young husband would be impressed!!!  :)))  Thanks again mom!

When we had our first baby, I wanted to be the first to call mom!!!  Isn't that how it is with every new mother?  Instead, my hospital phone rang and I answered it.  It was mom!!!  What???  Here after Hadassah was born, I sent Mike out to the car to bring in a few things.  When he went outside he called dad.  Word spreads fast and as I waited to call mom till Mike gets back into my room, she beat me to the phone!  It didn't matter that much really!  I was happy to have her help me care for Hadassah those first few nights and days!  She gave her her first bath and helped me with my house work!  Thanks mom!

She's been there for me after each birth!  Three in fact.  Making me a breakfast sandwich and helping me with my house work really meant a lot to me!  Thanks mom!

Mom has become a dear friend to me and really wish it will be like this for me and my girls!  She's a terrific grandma, mom and friend!  I love to now go and visit her.  I love to see how she plants her flowers and pots because I think hers are always way nicer than anybody else's!  I love to still go shopping with her even though now I pay for all my things!!!  Thanks mom for being a huge inspiration in my life!!!


~ Lori