Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Let the project begin!!!

The township called Mike on Friday and said that our permit is on it's way!  We can start with any remodel work!  We are excited and Mike has his long list of contacts now to call!  Let the project, journey and craziness begin!

Let me remind you that baby's due date is right around the corner too!  Focusing on the whole project, new baby, packing up the house and moving out does look overwhelming but if I take one day at a time leaning on Jesus and be excited in every step ... it will get me/us through it!  :)

Last night, Mike brought home the skid loader and started with pulling out some shrubs around the house!  Matthew can't wait for demolition day, so this excited him.  Ashlyn wondered what was all going on and even though she's been told over and over about house project ... actually getting to the job brought more explaining.  Hadassah helped me work around the boys and their 'toys' as we pulled weeds, mowed the yard and she carried many shrub branches out back! 

Take a look ...

Here's the house now.

Mike came with the skid loader.


 Mike had ear plugs so Ashlyn wanted something for her ears too.  :)  His Bose head phones worked!

Mike kept throwing a tennis ball or Frisbee at me while I worked around him.  :) 




 Working it!!!

Doing any type of outside work is 'work' for me at this stage!  The mower job is my pick!  :)


The camera person was sure to get this very pregnant momma on some pics.  :)  I was so dirty till the work was all done!  Baby inside didn't seem to mind the extra exercise until I was relaxing on the couch.  I'm telling you, I have a lot, a lot movement with this baby but last night was the record breaker!  It was so much that we even took a video of it!  It felt like baby was doing cartwheels inside of me.  My belly looks like it too!!!  One kick after the next.  Then a stretch.  I could tell where the leg kicked, then the arm, then the hands and then butt.  Crazy!!!  The kids all laughed as they watched uncomfortable mom try to take it all in stride.  When I laid down to sleep, baby calmed down!!!  We can't wait to hold this baby in our arms!  I can't wait to share these precious kicks and movements with the rest of the family!

I ended the work night in the garden.  I picked a another big bunch of string beans.  Weeds were pulled ... again.  Thanks to Toms for comforting me after all that bending over.  My red beets are going to be ready for harvest soon!  Peppers and tomatoes are hanging and ripening.  The sunflowers are ready to burst in the next few weeks!

Ripping out bushes and trying to keep the yard in nice condition will be a joke.  Hadassah came up to me after I was done mowing and said, "Daddy is just driving in the yard with the skid loader and messing up your nice mowed yard."  I know!  What can I do about it?  Even though the grass is really nice and green and lush right now, the house project has begun.  I need to put all 'prettiness' aside and get ready for the dirt!!!