Tuesday, July 7, 2015

It's A Boy!!!

Day 1:

Austin Kendrick entered into our lives with a strong cry as soon as he was born!!!  He's got light brown hair.  Weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces.  He is 20 3/4 inches long.  We are thrilled to now have two girls and two boys in our family!!!!

Austin was born on Wednesday, July 1!  I had a scheduled C-section.  I told mom a few weeks ago when the date was so that she could be available to help me with the other children.  Hadassah found out my surgery date a week before because she read my report from my family doctor that they give to me after each visit.  I didn't know the date was printed on there but I wasn't upset.  She keeps secrets well!!!  On Tuesday night, after Hadassah came home from a birthday party at Courtney's, we sat down to have family devotions and to tell them about the exciting day tomorrow!  When I said that tomorrow I will be having surgery and that our baby will be born, everyone was super excited!!!  Hadassah smiled and knew that this would now require some extra work and help from her.  Matthew grinned and couldn't wait to see if it was a boy or girl!  Ashlyn was full of instant questions.  Where will she go when I'm at the hospital?  What will the doctor do?  I tried to explain how the whole proceedor goes in a four year old story book form.  We laughed when I told her that when the baby and I will come home, it will be able to go in the baby swing and sleep in the bassinet.  She looked at me with big eyes and said, "In the basketball net?"  Oh, we couldn't help but all burst into laughter.  She blushed knowing that she said something wrong.  "Not the basketball net, deary, the bassinet is the white little bed in Matthew's room that the baby will sleep in."  She then understood much better!  :)  During devotions I had to tell her a few times to listen what Mike was reading because she still had questions.  When it was time for her to go to bed, she couldn't sleep.  She asked to go lay beside Matthew in his bed.  Sure.  Soon I heard them sneak downstairs to hang out with Mike and Hadassah.  I was content to be sleeping one time on the couch with my pregnant belly propped on the cushions.  A good night of sleep will be needed for the journey that was right before me!

I woke up at 3 AM.  I was nervous but excited.  Anxious but praying that God would calm my nerves.  I was dreading the whole surgery proceedor and recovery but grateful and fully aware that it will be worth it all!  I prayed that God would give me more sleep and I slept for a little while before having my phone alarm go off at 6 AM.  Mike and I loaded up the suitcase packed for baby and I.  Strapped the baby car seat in the Yukon.  Mike grabbed the camera and his fresh brewed coffee while I took one last look around the house and knew that when I come back, it would never be the same again!  Adding a newborn to our family would change our lives forever.  We were excited.  We said a prayer and off we drove for the hospital at 7:15 AM.

We arrived right before 8:00.  We got registered and escorted to our room.  I was told to change into a gown and then the nurse hooked me up to a monitor.  I was showing some contractions while we listened to baby's heart beat of 140.  I had lots of bracks and hicks weeks before baby's due date!  Then the surgeon came in to do a quick ultra sound to see exactly where the placenta was located.  Meanwhile, nurses were getting ready to put me on IV and insert my catheter.  The first prick of the morning did not go well.  The nurse thought she had a good vain but it failed.  Then another nurse came in and tried.  No vain again.  Now they called for a pic line nurse to come and try me for the third time.  This time in my right hand.  She hopped to find a vain and I prayed as stuck me again.  Got it!!!  The IV was hooked up and I was ready for surgery!  They wheeled me down the hallway and into the waiting area where I signed papers for the anesthesia doctor and surgeon.  Getting my spinal was the biggest dread for me!  I hate to know what they do and how it hurts unto it's numb.  I clung onto one of the nurses hand while all the nurses counted 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi ... up to 10.  By then the numbing was beginning and I was laid down for surgery to begin.  When I made the comment just minutes after Mike came to sit beside me, "I feel a tug," Dr. Carini chuckled.  He said, "A tug?"  I knew by the way he said it that he was already started with my surgery.  I was then thankful for all the numbness and that I was not really feeling what was going on. 

Mike sat by my side the whole time.  We squeezed hands and waited for more tugging and pulling then we heard a cry!  We heard the words, "It's a boy!"  We named him Austin Kendrick and while they cleaned him up a bit I had tears before I even saw him.  One of the nurses had my camera and took some pictures for us!  Austin's cry sounded healthy and great!  It was a matter of minutes and I had him lying on my chest and I could see and hold him.  He has blond hair!  Ten fingers and ten toes!  Long eye lashes.  Long fingers.  He was then taken to the nursery to be weighed and bathed and measured.  Mike went with Austin while the doctor finished up the last of the surgery.  Mike also called my mom's cell phone right after he was born to tell the children that it was a boy!  (When the children woke up that morning, they ate breakfast and got dressed.  Mom picked them up and then they went shopping for a baby gift before coming to the hospital to visit!)  He sent out text messages to family telling them all the exciting news!

I came straight from the OR to my hospital room to recover.  I was so glad to have the surgery behind us now and get with the recovery part!  It's hard and I knew it would be a few days of pain and new beginnings but I am over joyed to have another healthy newborn baby.  Another son. 

They weighed Austin. Bathed him.  Cared for him as the nurses cared for me.  The next hour was blood pressures.  Pressing on my ever so sore uterus.  Check the bleeding.  Checking my body temperature.  Mike was beside me the whole time!  After my "recovery room" time was up, the nurses only came in now and then to check up on me.  Austin was brought in to us and we got to hold him.  I nursed him.  Kissed him.  Adored his tiny head and features!  Later that afternoon, mom brought the other children in to see him!  They were so happy to have a baby brother!  I remember getting that call at school when my youngest brother was born!  It's such wonderful news!!!  They each took turns holding him.  Kissing him.  Tendering touching his newborn checks and fingers.  It's an overwhelming experience when I looked at my healthy family surrounding me!  Jody and the kids came to visit too.  (Except Ryan.  The big boy is working hard these days.)  The kids went with mom back home and then Mike picked them up later that night. 

Mike left me decide about him playing his baseball game that night.  I said I didn't mind and so after kissing me and Austin good night, he went off to play some ball yet.  He wished to hit a home run for our baby boy!!!  :)

I slept decent that first night.  The pain meds were heavy and it kept me comfortable.  Austin was taken to the nursery to sleep and did well during the night.  I nursed him when he woke up and then was able to sleep again.  Delivery day came to an end.

"Thank you dear Lord for another healthy baby boy!  Thank you so much for doctors and nurses that know what they are doing and can care for me so well!  Thank you for a wonderful, loving husband that stands right beside me when I hurt and while I heal!  Thank you for supportive family and friends that make this such a bigger and better celebration!!!!  I love YOU Lord.  I love Austin.  Please take care of him from day one!"  ~ Amen

 Almost ready to be wheeled to the OR.

 This daddy is just as ready!!!  All suited up for the operating room.

 I bought this shirt for Ashlyn as a surprise gift when she comes to see her new brother.

 Our dear baby boy!!!
 Hunter came to visit too!!!

 Proud brother!