Monday, February 27, 2017


I called the doctor this morning because Hadassah has these boil looking pimples on her legs.  We started noticing them early last week but I wasn't real concerned and hoped it was some rare pimple case.  Saturday she went to work but when she came home, her legs were hurting really bad.  She had two pimples that looked red and sore!  Then yesterday, she stayed home from church because it hurt when she walked.  At 2:30 AM, she woke me up and was crying.  Her legs hurt so bad.  We've been trying oatmeal baths, oils, Swedish bitters, etc..  It seemed nothing was really helping.  I finally gave her a Motrin to help with the pain.  And that's why we called the doctor this morning for an appointment.

When Hadassah got up this morning, one of the pimple boils popped open and lots of blood and puss came out.  It helped take away some of the swelling.  I was glad to have Dr. Dagonhard take a look at her sores and he confirmed that it is boils.  Boils can come from infected hairs and skin bacteria.  He also took a swoop to send off for a culture test.  Meds will help stop the boils from occurring and heal.  Epsom Salt baths are recommended!  Getting the puss out is important for faster healing!  Hadassah was about in tears when the doctor was pushing on them and they hurt so bad.  It wasn't long before we were heading back home to now rest, take salt baths and keep praying that they will heal up and get back to school.


We are so grateful for doctors and nurses that help us.  Especially so today!!!  Even though we had a short doctors visit this morning for Hadassah, Dad Lapp is in Mexico having major surgery there today at 11 AM!!!

Dad is having a major, 7 hour surgery today on his Pancreas.  The doctors will remove the cancer tumor and take out the cancer!!!  This is a big surgery for Dad and so I am asking that you keep praying for him!!!  For healing.  For the doctors and nurses as they perform surgery and care for him!!!  Pray for Mom as she sits in the waiting room and prays that all will go well!!!  And also pray for all of us family here back home.  It's hard to have them there and us here but we knew it would be like that if they go to Mexico to doctor.  We do talk to Dad and Mom on the phone and communicate often. 

John and Sadie Beiler are still with Dad's in Mexico.  God bless them for their kindness!!!  They have been such a blessing to our family!  Plans are for John's to go back to Florida tomorrow and then some of Mike's sisters go be with Dad and Mom on Thursday.  I wish we could all be there for mom today during this serious procedure but Dad's felt a leading to go to Mexico for cancer treatments and we all supported this decision. 

It will be a tough journey the next few weeks and year ahead.  Getting Dad back to good health is a high priority!  Again, please pray that all goes well today during surgery and that Dad will have a speedy recovery!!!

We do not know how long Dad's will be in Mexico.  They say that it's a ten day recovery time from this surgery.  This means Dad's will be there longer than their three week anticipated stay.

God knows that Dad is in Mexico.  We've been lifting him up in prayer ever since he's been diagnosed with cancer.  We had special prayer for him at church yesterday.  Other churches and Christians are praying!  I have no doubts that God's presence and His angels are in the operating room today!!!