Saturday, April 20, 2019

Good Friday.

It was because of my sins, He died.
If I were there:  It was a long night!  The dinner we had with Jesus last night was so … sorrel!  I don't always understand all the words the Master says because so much seems like a mystery to me.  But last night, Jesus got down on his knees as if he was going to wash my feet.  All of our dirty, weary feet!  I jumped up to stop Him because why would He wash MY feet?  But He looked at me and said, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me."  What?  I stopped and tried to find the right words. I told him to then wash not just my feet but my hands and head as well!!!!  All I wanted was to be with Jesus!  I've learned so much just being with this man and I couldn't imagine my life without him!  We then all sat together and as Jesus broke bread and poured some wine, he said that it was his blood which will be poured out for many.  We sang a hymn and then walked to the Mount of Olives.  I was burdened when Jesus looked a me and said, "Tonight - before the rooster crows twice you yourself will disown me three times."  My eyes got big!  I could feel my blood pressure rising!  Again, I found myself scrambling for words  "Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you!"  He walked us to Gethsemane and asked us all to pray.  The Lord prayed often but tonight He said something about His soul being overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.  I didn't realize how tired I was until I sat down and relaxed my body.  I soon fell asleep.  What seemed like the middle of the night, I woke up suddenly to find a band of soldiers with swords and clubs  I jumped up and grabbed my sword and swung at Malchus.  I cut off his ear but Jesus bent down, picked up the bloody ear and put it back on the soldiers ear.  He healed it right there and then!  What was going?  The soldiers grabbed Him and took him to Annas.  It all ended being a night full of trials.  I fell on my knees crying and really weeping for repentance because just as the Lord said, I denied knowing Him three times  I watched as they crucified the man I loved, honored and spent so much time with!  Now He's on the a cross.  Beaten.  And dead.
Original plans where that my whole family will go to the cabin and spend the weekend together!  But, because of the cabin fire, Mom and Dad invited us all down to their farm instead!  Mom had the upstairs of the barn all set up nice!  The food was delicious!  The kids had a real blast!!!!

Mom always puts together some kind of Easter baskets/buckets for the kids!  The love, love this!

Dad helped Mom hide a bunch of eggs and the kids were off to find them!

And here's the younger crew!!!!!!

This little guy just didn't stop munching!  He loves strawberries!

 And these two are such a trip!  Everything is a sword, gun or some sort of weapon and I just had to capture them "cutting" their rolls!

Brother Jason has a baby goat!  I just fall in love with children photography that has real animals in the pictures!  I've been telling Ashlyn that we need to find us some baby spring animals and take some photos with them!  Dad helped us catch this little kid and we did a quick photo shoot!!!!!


Good Friday is a day we read, reflect and think of the death of Christ!  How He was bruised and spit on and beaten … then hung on a cross to die!  For the sins of the world!!!

I'm so grateful that He came to die so that I can live forever with Him in eternity!!!!