Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Spring events.

It's been so quiet on the blog lately but that does not mean nothing is happening in our lives.  It does mean there's so much going on that I'm too busy to take time to blog about it!  But, like always, I eventually wish to catch up and so here goes.  So much has happened since my last post, some good and some not so good.  I like to keep things in order as they happen so here goes!

The first day of spring came and went and I've been dreaming of planting the garden and getting my fingers in some soil by planting some pansies but I've not even stepped foot in the garden yet!  And here's why.

Sunday, March 24, we went to church and were excited to hear from the Lord speak through our speaker, Dave Miller and listen to his family sing and preach!  We called it Revival Meetings at Honey Brook Community Church and it struck me when he mentioned things like, "If revival would be up to you, would your church experience it?"  Meaning, does my prayer life reflect hunger for God?  Or is a paused moment to ask for things?  Do I worship God because He created me and loves me and do I realize that I'm nothing without Him???  Sunday morning, Sunday night and Monday night were all so good and I drank up the words spoken and felt the Spirit be near!

A series of meetings like these always remind me of my childhood.  My parents took our family to many tent meetings and revival meetings and singing events and it all had a tremendous impact on my life!!!  It's in those meetings that I made my first public confession for my sins!  I've excepted Jesus into my heart as a child but these meetings and happenings really were good stakes in my life journey!!! 

Our church is also doing a 21 day fast and I was put right into my humble seat by God that morning on March 24!  Mike and I talked about the upcoming fast and had some ideas of how we wanted to do this!  Our church has been through a journey of hurts and harsh words spoken and years of broken relationships and to really put it … being human means we mess up!!!  But we are trying to get those issues resolved and there comes a place in time to move on!  To forgive and heal and ask God to bring restoration and peace!!!  That's what's happening right now and that's the reason a fast was brought forth to the church and asking to really cry out to God for help!  For wisdom!  For words of humbleness and peace and joy!  Anyway, I thought the fast wasn't beginning until Wednesday, so I drank my normal morning coffee and ate a quick bite before heading off to church that morning.  It didn't take me long to realize and hear that the fast was actually beginning that day!  The bulletin dates were a misprint and I immediately started playing a game in my head!!!  Oh, no!  Not today!?!  I already messed up!  I didn't start correctly with the fast Mike and I agreed to do together!  We know it is powerful to fast and to something similar together was our intent.  I was really going to this right and now already, the very first morning, I messed up!  I felt God telling me, "This is exactly where I want you to be.  Not on your own strength and plans but on mine!!!"  To do a fast on my strength would be foolish and I was reminded on how I need to cry out to God and lean on Him!!!  So, Mike and I started the Daniel Fast that afternoon and plan to do this for 21 days.  And just like any other fast, I need to focus on the things I can eat and not the huge, normal foods I would normally have in a days time.  To set those delicacies aside and put my focus on God, in His word and pray!

Meanwhile, life goes on.  I had ordered lots of meat for freezer and had to put it all in bags and then freeze.  This is going to make great burgers for the grill this summer and lots of yummy chicken legs and sausage are now in the freezer for upcoming meals!

Ashlyn's class had an afternoon of painting that I helped with!!!  I always love days like this when I can get into the classroom and help out!


Mike's family all got together on a Saturday night to celebrate some birthdays!  Ashlyn turns 8 on the 30th and we had a big cake for her!

We packed out Mom's kitchen and the cousins are so sweet together!


On Tuesday night, there was one last basketball game for Matthew's basketball season!  The boys played a quick game.  Then the high school girls played a game and finally the high school boys played VS the coaches!!!  The night was special with a jersey being given to Damien and a night with our school friends is always so much fun!!!

Awards and honors!!!!

We are so blessed to have a Christian School that our children love and thrive in!!!