Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Basketball tournament!

Matthew got to play in a basketball tournament last Saturday!  He loved it and played well!  Eight games later, they finished with very achy muscles but with a second place trophy!!!  Matthew gave it all he had and in between plays he was rubbing his sore legs!  I love to watch the kids in their sports!  Basketball is something I used to play when I was a teenager and loved it!  Now to watch my kids play is still fun!!!!  

Matthew played with the freshman boys in his class.  They didn't have a coach but did good on their own!  They played at Houston Run and then the final game was at Faith Mennonite High School!

It was such a beautiful fall day and in between games, we would step outside!!!!

Here the boys were finishing up their play time.  They claimed their hard earned trophy and could barely walk anymore because they were exhausted and sore!!!!!

The BLACK team!  Austin and I couldn't decide what they should be called.  Blackbirds, Oreos, Whoppies???

Look at how big this guy is getting!!!!  Matthew grew so much last year and is now taller than me!  He played great and tried his hardest up until the very end!!!!  Good job Matthew!