Wednesday, October 30, 2019

CCAC finals!!!

Volleyball is such a fun sport to watch and play! I love to watch Hadassah work so hard to get those fast, vicious spikes slammed down!

Linville's Versity Volleyball Team made it to the quarter finals and won!!!  They moved on to the semifinals and won!!!  Then on Saturday night they played in the finals VS Lititz Christian!!!!  And WON!!!!!!!  It was so EXCITING!!!!!

We filled the gym at Lancaster Bible College with fans!!! So many people came out to cheer and watch the girls become champions!!!!

We were all so proud of Hadassah!!!!

These Senior's did a great job at coming to cheer them on!!!!  Can you tell it was camo night!?!

Linville Hill Champs!!!!!!!

Even little man loved it!

After the wins, after becoming champions, after lots of celebrating ... Mike treated the team to Chick-fil-A! It was such a fun night!!!!

Way to go Linville Hill Warriors!!!!