Tuesday, January 28, 2020

19th Wedding Anniversary!!!!

I am the luckiest girl in the world to be married for 19 years to my best friend!!!!!

Mike and I just celebrated our nineteenth wedding anniversary!!!!  We filled the day with sweet memories!!!  We woke up beside each other and remembered back all those years of how madly in love we were and still are!!!  We were so excited for our wedding day!!!  It was such a great day for us!!!!  We are forever grateful to our parents for making it a fun, loving day!!!! 

Celebrating our 19th wedding anniversary was local and out for dinner.  We listened to our favorite old country songs together as we drove down the highway on our date.  Laughing together and quickly changing our restaurant destination because of time.  We dropped the younger kids off at my brothers house (thank you John and Mim!!!).  Meanwhile, Hadassah had volleyball practice and Matthew was at basketball practice.  Bonefish Grill was delicious and we were even given a small box of chocolates and told by one of the restaurant mangers to "celebrate this anniversary not just tonight but for the rest of the week!!!!"

It would have been fun to do some shopping or just stroll the mall together but we did have a church meeting that we decided to attend.  On our way back towards home, we laughed again at the music we listened too and just enjoyed each minute of being together!!!  Mike was to give a church financial report at the church meeting.  After nineteen years of marriage we were totally cool with attending a church meeting on our anniversary!  We were also totally cool that we didn't get each other an anniversary card!  :)  The meeting went well and we were soon off to pick up the little ones and meet the older kids back home!

Being married for nineteen years suddenly makes me feel old!  Or should I say older!  There seems to be such a gap between eighteen and nineteen.  We did smile when the restaurant manger commented that we don't look old enough for nineteen years of marriage!!!!  Well, thank you ma'am!!!!  We have Florida on our minds as we look forward to a family vacation coming up!  Mike and I will get some quality time together down there too!!!!  And there's talk of doing a "trip/vacation" on our twentieth anniversary!!!!!!!

Looking back over the years of our marriage, I can tell you that it's not all been easy!  We've experienced hurt and said things to each other that we had to apologize for.  We've experienced loss when we had a miscarriage between pregnancy one and three.  We had to pray and ask God for babies!!!  Waiting to be pregnant month after month is tough for couples!  We know!  God has blessed us with four beautiful children and we thank Him for them all the time!!!!  I remember so well when my doctor asked me how many babies we plan on having because we had to decide if Ashlyn would be delivered by C-section or natural birth.  I smiled and humbly said, "Well, so far God has planned our family!!!"  I love that fact now but at the moment it was tough!  Mike and I experienced grief when his dad passed away!!!!  We had to talk out our feelings and cry on each others shoulders!  We needed to be extra sensitive to each other!  There were many days when I was stressed by the children and when Mike had a long work day but every single day we would wrap each other in our arms, kiss and say "I love you!!!!"  Marriages are work!!!!  ALL MARRIAGES ARE WORK!!!!  God blessed our marriage so much and Satan knows it!  Satan would love if those grudges and pet peeves and annoyances would trip us up!!!!  It's a battle and warfare and we fight every day to love each other more!

Being married now for nineteen years does bring some wisdom and through experiences we do things differently than we did in those honeymoon years!!!  We've found that some of the things that worked back then aren't really the best anymore.  Mike and I are in love and we can feel it, we say it and we live it out to each other!!!!

Thank you Babe for marring me and for loving me!!!!  I love you so much!!!!!

How's this for an anniversary photo!?!?  :)))))
