Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Just another dusting of snow.

We got some more snow and we were excited to notice the "snowflake" on my weather app!  Austin loves to check the weather because he likes the snow!!!!  Well, on Saturday we all woke up to flurries and later in the day, the kids went out for some snow fun!

Snow angels!!!!

Lots of glove full snow eating moments!

These two are just best of buds!!!!  They love to play!  They do great with entertaining each other!  Ashlyn is the one in charge - always!  She likes to lead and me the boss!  :)  Austin loves to follow actually!!!  He plays right along with it!!!  It's great!

 I snuck upstairs in the cold attic for this picture!!!!  They were twirling and laughing in the bitter cold tempts!

And this is me.  In my recliner, in the living, really having a "snow day" off on this cold Saturday!  Mike had a golf lesson in the morning but when he came home at lunch time, we settled down to be "lazy"!!!!  There are rarely any Saturdays where we literally do nothing but this is one day that we just relaxed.  At home.  In our own living room!  My mind was going in circles trying to decide on what I was actually going to accomplish because my DNA doesn't except "lazy days" too well.  I was thinking I should start another puzzle.  Or read the book I am borrowing from our pastor.  Or make more snowflakes out of paper.  Simple things ... winter things.  I decided to pick up the book and start reading.  I read and read and ended up reading about half of the book out loud to Mike.  I finished the book the next day and it was so good!!!!  It is a real challenge of how when God calls a calling on my life, that I follow through.  In the difficult times and the easy moments.  "Bruchko" is a missionary in South America and lives among Indians that have never heard of the gospel or of Jesus.  They had no written language until Bruce Olson went to live with them.  Bruce felt a calling to go find this certain Indian group and share the gospel with them.  It took almost his life to even get to the tribe through so much jungle and diseases and bare necessities!  Every other white man the tribe saw, they killed.  What would stop them from killing him?  Bruce didn't know all the details before heading out of this life changing life style but he did know God was calling him to do this task!  The book was so good and I've never read a half of a book out loud to my husband before.  Mike laid on the couch as I read chapter after chapter!  It was a great lazy afternoon!!!!

On Sunday, Mike and Matthew went to visit Kordell Beiler in a hospital in NJ.  Kordell had back surgery and Matthew wanted to visit him and take him a pet fish.  The kids and I skipped Sunday School but went for the message.  That evening, all the Dienner married cousins were invited to a early Valentine's Dinner at Uncle Alvins!!!!  It was so fun with great food, with all the Aunts and Uncles serving us, with Don and Doris speaking about how to keep our marriages lit and on fire!!!  The whole evening was on marriage and it was great!!!  Meanwhile, the Kansas City Chiefs won the football game against the Titans!!!  Now we are off to playing in the Super Bowl!!!!!!

There were games and gifts!!!  Many, many thanks to you all Aunts and Uncles for this fun night!!!!

It's now Monday and I have extra kids in the house.  No school because of Martin Luther King JR Day and Adrian and Bryce are here.  I have laundry going and because the sun is beaming in the house windows, I'm thinking about Spring!  I sat down to write down the seeds that I want to plant in the spring!  I love to garden and spring just can't come fast enough for me!

I was also looking through Pinterest at some garden posts and then came across these cute foods!  I really should do this for the kids!  They would get a big kick out of it!

I ended up playing around in the kitchen.  I whipped up another batch of these yummy Granola Bars!  I got the recipe from my Aunt Linda years ago and they are super easy to make!

Melt 1/2 cup butter, 1/4 cup oil, 1/4 cup honey, 3/4 cup peanut butter and 1 bag of marshmallows in the microwave.  Then stir in 4 1/2 cups rice krispies, 2 cup quick oats, 1 pack of crushed graham crackers, 1/2 cup chocolate chips.  Stir it all together and dump it in a greased 9x13 pan.  Try not to flatten it when spreading it in the pan because it looks nicer not pack down.  That's it!!!  Cut into bars and enjoy!

I also made a batch of fiber balls for my hubby!!!!  He loves these in the morning with his coffee as he drives off to work.

I've not mentioned anything about my January Purging but it's happening!  Last year I did the Declutter Challenge and got rid of so many things that we didn't use or need anymore.  This January, I'm just trying to clean out again and organize!  I did the pantry the other day.  It's amazing how much space you can free up just by refilling the cereal containers or throwing out the extra large egg cartons that we never use!

I do have a walk in pantry and I love that!!!!  I have plenty of room to be organized or to not be organized.  Of course, my pick is to be tidy and cleaned up!  So, this looks a lot better!!!!

 All the kitchen cabinets got a going through too!  I took a load of unwanted items over to Fashion Cents last week and now need to make a stop at the donation center yet for the rest of my unwanted items!

January is flying right by and last night we talked about what we should/want to do for our upcoming wedding anniversary!!!!  Hadassah also has a birthday coming up and she gets to pick a place to go out and eat as a family!

Stay warm!  I'm pretty much inside this whole month so far and staying cozy here at home is my favorite place to be right now!!!  I find myself thinking often of just much is going to change from this winter to the next winter.  Next year, Austin will be in school a few days a week and Hadassah will be out of school.  I'm praying about a job.  Or do I keep myself busy right here at home?  I'm not sure what I want to do or where I would like to work if I do get a job!  I feel like there are good opportunities out there and only time and prayer will tell me where to go!

Happy Tuesday friends!!!!  (Tuesday's are one of my favorite days!  The laundry was all completed yesterday and I wash every other day.  It's gadget day for the children and I usually like to blog while Austin is doing a gadget for awhile.  It's the day that I usually have an open calendar day!  I love Tuesdays!!!!)