Monday, January 27, 2020

Hadassah turns 18!!!

I have no idea how we could have an 18 year old daughter in the house already but we do!!!  And we are excited about it!!!  Hadassah is now into adulthood!  When I took her the other day for some mission trip vaccines, the nurse was telling her how today mom is signing and paying and then after turning eighteen, mom needs your permission to look at the medical records, etc..  Hadassah kind of flipped out and said that she's the women that gave birth to me and she's always going to have access to her records, etc..!!!!  Some days I'm so ready to pass on more responsibilities to her and then the next I want to still do it all for her.  To keep her under my wings.  But, that's not the wisest choice and so I'm learning to let her make more decisions.  Like, she needed an updated Tetanus shot but it wasn't a must.  I said to her, "You decide."  There will be many more times that I will be saying this to her!!!!  

We are excited to see what God has in store for Hadassah in her upcoming years!  Right now, she's a senior in high school.  She loves to clean as a job!  She loves to be with her boyfriend, Jeremiah!!!  Volleyball is her sport and she's so good at playing it!!!!  Hadassah loves the youth group!  We love when she chooses to be at home with us as a family!!!!!

Happy birthday Hadassah!!!!  You are beautiful!!!!  We love you so much!!!!!

Hadassah picked to eat dinner at PF Changs and then go to Sweet Frog for dessert.  PF Changs had a two hour wait so we went right next door to Harvest and loved it!!!!

I just love these kids with all my heart!!!!!

Hadassah has great friends!!!!

Her and Jess are such good friends and really have a great time playing on the same volleyball team!!!!

Jenna went with us for dinner the other night and she's been in and out of our house so much the past few months.  Jenna played on the school volleyball team with Hadassah and they to be together too!

After dinner, we went to Ulta for a birthday gift for Hadassah!!!!!

Then to Sweet Frog for dessert!!!!

 Jeremiah surprised Hadassah and took her to NY City for the day yesterday.  Payton and Rita went along and they had the time of their lives!!!!!  Hadassah has SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!

 What a beautiful girl!!!!!

Happy birthday, Hadassah!!!!  Always keep Jesus number one and shine for Him!!!!!!


~ Mom