Thursday, January 2, 2020

Happy New Year!!!!

2020 is here!  How can this be?  I remember thinking 2000 was a milestone and here we are already twenty years later!!!!  Wow!

John and Suz invited this clan over to their house to cheer the New Year in!!!!  We had a blast playing Dutch Blitz and Code Names as we waited for midnight to strike!  Thanks guys!

The night got late and we laughed and had a good time!!!!

I didn't have any resolutions written down yet and I'm praying for a 2020 word of the year!  I started this only a few years ago and I like it!  A word to ponder on throughout the year!  I did find myself yesterday writing down some thoughts and maybe I'll just use this for my New Years Resolutions!!!???

Our Christmas vacation from school went by fast!  I think maybe the milder weather had something to do with that!?!  Normally, I have that one day when I'm ready to send the kids back to school and clean up the house!  I didn't have one of those days this vacation!!!!  That's a good thing because that means the kids played nice and were entertained without stressing me out!  I did have the clean itch though!!!!  On Tuesday, I woke up feeling like the house needed a good going over!  Gifts needed to be put in their places and the dried up greens needed to be thrown out.  I skipped cleaning the house last week and so I felt like it should have a good scrub down too!  I got started with this first thing and I am addicted to that "clean house feeling"!!!!  I just love it!  I ended up going from room to room and cleaning it well!  Christmas décor were put away that was in the bedrooms.  I still have a few greens around the tree is still in the living room.  Boy, the floors were dirty and the carpets needed swept!!!!!

Mike was home working in the basement.  He's always got some sort of project going on around here and they include wood!  This time he's making a wine cellar in the basement where my cellar once was.  He's lining it with wood and it's beginning to look really nice!!!!

I totally could not keep track of the days anymore.  Everything was all running together.  When I cleaned on Tuesday I was thinking the entire day that it was Wednesday.  Then on Wednesday I was confused.  Today is normally my cleaning day here at home but because I already did that this week, it's time to work on this blog and on the puzzle!!!!  I don't like when I get too behind on the blog posts and it was time to sit down and journal!

I won again!!!!  Last night as I hopped in bed, I told Mike I was a winner again!  He high fived me and laughed.  Now what did you win he asked?  I started using Senagence Makeup about a year ago and I won some Shadowsence products plus a few other items from a Instagram giveaway!!!!  I'm excited to try the Shadowsence because I don't have any just yet!  The few products I do have, I love!!!!

Today the kids went back to school even though Ashlyn was in tears about this the other day.  She didn't want vacation to end and I don't blame her too much.  She really enjoyed her time off of school but there's always a time to get back to normal!!!!  I like normal days and it feels right to have Austin and I be the only ones here at home today!

This is January now.  This is winter time.  The time where I clean out closets and take things to Fashion Cents.  The time I sit down to work on a puzzle or read or take a nap.  It's the only season that I let my lazy bones exist!  The blue birds are here and they make me so happy!!!  It's time to hibernate inside and sip on warm drinks!  I wish for snow!  I like fresh fallen snow!!!  With winter now on my mind, I'd like to do some winter crafts for décor.  Maybe just cut out a few more paper snowflakes or something simple like that!

Happy Winter everyone!!!!  May your family stay healthy and thriving all winter long!