Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Track - N - Field Day

Today was track and field day at school!  Our kids have been looking so forwards to this day!  When it was time to get out of bed this morning, it was no problem!  Matthew said, "Mom, do you know why I couldn't sleep last night?"  (He was snoring and sacked out when I went to bed!)  "Why", I asked.  "Because it's track and field day today!"

Then after they were both dressed, breakfast was eaten, and teeth brushed, they were both doing stretches and exercises.  Matthew was doing toe touches and jumping jacks and then ran around the house two times!  Hadassah was filling up her water bottle, stretching her leg muscles and ran too!  (Whatever motivational speaking given at school for this day, sure worked for these two!)  They were off to the races when the bus came to take them to school.

Ashlyn and I went to watch this exciting day!  (By the way, it was a gorgeous, very warm day!  Perfect!  Thank you Jesus!)  School divided the grades K -  5th grade into colors.  Hadassah was on the blue team and Matthew on the yellow team.


 They did lots of relay races in the morning and then the running, jump rope, high jump, etc. in the afternoon.  Here Matthew is passing the yellow ball to a team mate after running around the group.  This was called "Circle Relay".
 Broomball ... here the kids had to sweep a ball up to a line and return it back to their team.
 Mississippi Flood ... Matthew carefully carried a small cup of water to the line, poured it into a gallon jug, and ran the cup back to his team!  The team with the most water won.
 Talk about determination!  Go Yellow Team!!!  Hadassah is doing the same thing with her team - blue!
 Scooter Race ... the point of this game was to push with your feet while sitting on the scooter to the line and run it back to your team.

After the relay races, Matthew went into school for the rest of the afternoon and had school. 
 Grades 1 - 5 stayed out and did the running races.  Hadassah ran in 50 Meter, 100 Meter, 200 Meter. 
She also did jump rope and jumped 110!!!  She was so proud that she jumped the most!

It was a fun day and a couple of times I held back tears. 
Seeing our children growing and competing with a good spirit is awesome! 

We now have a base tan from all the awesome sunshine today! 
Looking forwards to the upcoming weekend of nice weather.