Thursday, May 5, 2011

5 weeks old

Ashlyn is 5 weeks old already!  The time is going so fast and yet it seems like a really long time since she came into this world.  I can't imagine our lives without her already! 

I feel this week like we are 'connecting'.  I know how she likes to fall asleep.  I know most times what she wants when she cries.  She's getting into a routine.  She smiled at me the other day when I was fussing at her!  She's been so sweet the past week and I am really enjoying her!

I have a devotional book I read that someone gave to me with one of my other pregnacies.  It's called, "The Hand that rocks the Cradle."  I am really liking each devotional and so many times it is exactly what I am dealing with that day.  Yesterday, I read this ...

EXCHANGES - "Some exchanges are obvious.  I've exchanged my elegant black purse for a suitcase-sized bag bulging with neccessities.  I've traded a girlish figure for a matronly one with the stomach of a Shar-pei.  I've exchanged my love-to-curl-up-with-a-good-book reading for Thomas the Tank Engine and Peter Rabbit.  But the invisiable exchanges are far more priceless.  I'm exchanging time spent on myself for time invested with my never-dying babies soul.  I'm exchanging dreams of a career for the most worthwhile and precious one God gives - motherhood!"   Dianna Overholt

Typiclly, I am one that does not really like changes!  I would love for my little world to always stay the same.  (I praise God for this though, because that must mean I have a great life!  Not perfect.  Not without trials.  But great!)  A baby defiantly brings on a BIG change into life!  Change for an independant mom that has a 9 & 5 year old that can do most things without me right beside them.  We were ready though for a baby.  We prayed for this baby!  But when I am getting up during the night to feed baby, it's not always easy.  The past few nights she's only been up once through the night and I praise the Lord for that! 

I made my own baby annoucement card ...

... 5 WEEKS OLD ...