Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

What a gorgeous day!!!  Mother's Day was a great day for me!  I woke up to the warm sunshine, birds chirping, and drank a good cup of coffee with a dab of whip cream on top!  When the kids woke up they said, "Happy Mother's Day!"

Mike gave me a card!  Hadassah made me a teapot card with a delicious peach tea bag tucked in the lid.  Matthew gave me a marigold flower in a little cup that he planted in school.  So cute!  So thoughtful!

We went to church and in Sunday School the kids did projects for the mother's.  Hadassah decorated a really yummy brownie that said, "#1 MOM".  Matthew decorated a flower pot with another marigold flower planted inside.  In the church foyer, there was a huge display of homemade bread and jams that each mother was allowed to take a loaf of bread and jar of jam along home!  (Thanks to Uncle Alvin's bakery!!!) 

We ate lunch at Matt & Lena's.  Matt grilled and the guys did the dishes!  We ate the brownie Hadassah gave for dessert!  The afternoon was nice that we sat outback in the yard and enjoyed the warm sun.  Mike, Hadassah, and Matthew went for a jog/bike ride.  Matthew's bike pedal was giving some problems so I needed to pick him up. 

The day was relaxing.  Fun.  Special.  Hanging out with my husband and children is the best gift of all!!!



Thinking of my mother ... here are a few things that I really appreciate about my mom!!!

M - Makes the best food!!!  My mom has cooked so many meals for us kids.  She has made meat, potatoes & vegetables almost for every supper meal.  For breakfast, it was not pop tarts and cereal!  No, it was cooked ... eggs, toast, creamed beef, egg in a nest, scrapple and bacon!  Breakfast at it's best!!!
O - Organized & On time!  Mom likes her house neat & tidy.  When I was a girl, I was a test for her.  My things were laid here and there and everywhere.  She taught me how to be neat and now I like my house in order too.  Mom also likes to be on time.  Dad has made her a more 'patient person'!!!  (Smile) 
Opposites attract they say!
T - Thoughtful.  Mom is a very thoughtful person.  She sends birthday cards to all her nieces and nephews!  She never forgets anniversaries.  She thinks of others and those in need. 
H - Honours her parents.  We've always lived neighbors with my grandparents. 
Mom has always showed respect and honour towards her parents & I appreciate that!
E - Early riser ... Mom has always gotten up early mornings! 
What she gets done in the morning hours is what a lot of other women get accomplished all day! 
Her wash is always hung out in the wee morning hours. 
R - Raised God - fearing children!  Mom & dad have done an outstanding job raising us 5 children.  Not perfect kids.  Not kids that never did wrong things.  (We are all sinners but redeemed through Christ!  Amen!)  They paid a lot of $$$$ to put us in a Christian Day School & High School.  They put lots of hours into being youth leaders and being involved with my teenage years!

Thanks mom for all you have done and still do for me!!!  I love you!