Wednesday, January 18, 2012

9 Months plus a few weeks ...

Ashlyn is 42 weeks old today.  She is doing great.  Healthy.  Starting to say words.  Very cheerful and happy!  Loves to play on the floor with toys!  Walks along furniture and if she gets distracted she even lets go and stands by herself for a few seconds.  Takes two naps every day.  Sleeps all night (early to bed and early to rise!).  Loves green beans and cheerios!  Water only in her sippy! She is down to just a few bottles of formula a day.  (Hoping to stop buying formula soon and start with regular cows milk.)  Patty cakes, waves, gives kisses!  Nuk and blanket are a fav!

Ashlyn is such a delight and we just can't get enough of her happiness and laughter!  Last night, I sat her on Matthew's back and he was giving her a 'horsey ride'.  She loooovvvved it!  Laughing so much!  So cute!
(I am trying to download a small video I took of this, but I am not figuring it out.  When I do, I can post this.)
I got these little fruit drinks for Ashlyn at Walmart the other day.  She seems to really like them too.  I am not usually one that buys all the 'new and latest' baby foods and snacks.  I do most of my grocery shopping at Costco and the local Amish stores and they don't usually have the newest items on the market.  But because I went to Walmart this week, I grabbed a few of these ...

Baby is enjoying her drink and her every morning piece of toast!!!
 This was yesterday.  She started going into my cupboards and just starts pulling things out. 
I now have to store my cleaning products in the closet where she can't get to it!
 Beautiful Girl!!!
 Still loves mirrors ... she crawls up to my floor length mirror in our bedroom. 
She makes faces, waves, and even kisses herself!
 Celine and Sophia came for awhile yesterday.  These two girls are only a few months apart but so different.  Sophia has those deep, piercing brown eyes!  She's got a solid figure and your heart just melts when she smiles!  Ashlyn's got her daddy's pure blue eyes.  Petite figure.  Baby girls are so darling!
 The other kids did this too so why not her?  Yep, Ashlyn comes crawling over to me every time she sees that dishwasher door down.  Hadassah and Matthew did the same thing.  I put the silverware into the dishwasher to be washed and she pulls it right back out!
 The minute she sees Mike walk in the back door home from work, she starts smiling and whining for him to pick her up!  Mike gives me a kiss and then gets her.  She gives him a kiss right back.  Big, wet kisses!!!
Mikes has no choice but to kiss her back!  So precious!

This is Ashlyn this morning ...

Have a great mid - week!!!