Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fighting the Flu ...

We are med free so far today!!!  We've been fighting the nasty flu bug since last Thursday! 

Matthew started with a really bad cold.  He stayed home from school last Thursday because of his ridiculous sneezing!  Every time he sneezed, a mist went flying!  I tried really hard to explain to him to get a tissue quickly before he actually sneezes or at least cover it with his hand.  He tried!  :)

Friday, both kids went to school.  Hadassah had a birthday sleep over she was invited to and she enjoyed that very much.  (Thanks Hannah!)  I picked her up the next morning at 11 AM and we went straight to another birthday party invite.  This time it was for both Hadassah and Matthew.  (Thanks Matthew King for the invite.) 

Mike, Ashlyn and I made a trip into Lowe's while the others were at the birthday party and finally ordered some blinds and got some lights for our kitchen bar.  Putting the finishing touches to some of our house projects go ridiculously loooong!  I can't wait till the lights are added and the blinds are hung!  Thanks Hun!

We picked the kids up at the birthday party later that afternoon and I could tell the minute I saw Hadassah, she was ready to rest and be at home!!!  The late night before and full day was screaming for a nap out of her eyes.  She wrapped herself in a blanket and napped on the couch ...

... until another group of friends arrived!  My Saturday went from 'nothing planned' to 'extremely action packed'.  Ben's came for another hang out visit!  The kids (and us) love to hang out with them and after some pizza and goodies, we played some Settlers.  We needed to break Mike from his winning streak!

Sunday consisted of Sunday School and relaxing!  Hadassah was laying around and Ashlyn didn't seem like her normal self.  A good nights sleep would be a huge plus!

Monday morning came.  Hadassah woke up not feeling 100 %, but decided to go to school anyway.  This girl loves school and she will go at all costs!  I felt decent but could feel a sore throat brewing.  I grabbed a pack of Halls and out the door I went for an entire day of shopping with Mike's sisters and in-laws.

I always look forward to a day of shopping!  Especially, when I am alone or without any children along!  My list didn't get too much crossed off but the day was great!  I picked the kids up later that afternoon at my Moms (thanks again Mom!) and I knew the moment I got home ... it was going to be a hot shower and hot lemon tea for me!  My throat was hurting bad!  Hadassah and Ashlyn were doing OK but still a bit sickly out of their eyes.  We decided to not attend the music recital at school.  Hadassah was to play a piano piece, but she was not up to going and on the couch all evening.

The night was tough.  I was up with Ashlyn a lot because she was running a fever.  With lots of extra prayers and more Motrin, she seemed somewhat better in the morning.  Hadassah woke up and kept saying "No, I am not going to school."  Then a minute later, she would say, "OK, I am going after all."  It was her final choice ... and she went.  They only had 1/2 day because of Parent and Teacher meetings in the afternoon.  She spent the afternoon drinking teas and relaxing.

We've been using so many tissues in the past week its unreal!!!  We are currently all off any meds and our flu bug seems to be leaving us!!!  Please pray for our family as we recover and hope for 100 % good health for our upcoming weekend!

I hope your family is well!!!  Praise God for health today!  We are praying for complete healing and sick free bodies!!!  Enjoy your day!

Be blessed!!!