Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Matthew's second grade field trip.

Matthew is in second grade and enjoying school a lot.  I got the privilege to go along on their first field trip of the year!!!  It was so much fun and I know I enjoyed it just as much as the kids did!

We left school right after morning chapel.  A school bus drove us to Cherry Crest Adventure Farm!  There we spent the entire day exploring, learning, and having fun recreation time on the farm!  Check it out ...

Hay tunnels ...
 Swing hard and try to get the bell to ring on the very top! Also, throwing balls in the diamond holes.
 There was a huge 'pillow'.  Shoes off ... and jump all day!!!  The long slides were awesome!  I even did this event!!!  Oh, yes!

 We did a race who could get to the bottom the fastest ... yepper, it was me!  :)
 Humongous sling shots ... really fun swing/hammocks!
 "Lincoln Logs" at its all time favorite size!!!
 Going back to do more sling shots!!!
 We learned about corn and milk.  We even made our very own butter!  Shake up some heavy whipping cream in a tight container for a few minutes and ... ta la - BUTTER!  So cool!
 The butter we made was yummy on crackers!  Now, off for a hay ride to the pumpkin patch!
 Each student got to pick their very own pumpkin from the big patch!
 They each weighed their pumpkin.
 They measured them.  We learned that pumpkins float.  They are hollow inside ... therefore they float on water.  Interesting!
 We toured the animal farm section.  Pigs, goats, ducks, chickens, lama, etc..

After having to reschedule this field trip for the third time (because of rain), we were blessed with a very nice, sunny, warm day!  Thank you Miss Mohr for your organization and for planning this wonderful day out for second grade!!!  We all realllllllly enjoyed it!