Monday, October 1, 2012

A new day ... Monday!

It's another Monday morning and so that means cleaning up the house from the weekend.  It means dividing all the laundry into piles, throwing them in the washer, and then after it's all dried ... fold and put it all back in our drawers.  It means the start of a new week.  It means the only ones in the house this morning are Ashlyn, Ginger and me.  It means flipping the calendar over yet another page.

Mike was away since Thursday.  When he walked through the back door at 9:45 last night, I was so glad to have him back!!!  He went on an 'all paid golf outing'.  Thanks to Lumberman, they take a group of golfing customers each year to a golf resort and golf.  This year the resorts were in Destin, FL. 

This story is just down right amazing ... Because Mike was invited to go on this golf outing, he was not the one who booked the flights or the dates or the resorts.  When he got his itinerary, he looked at it briefly and noticed he was going to Destin, FL.  A few weeks later, Mike's sister Lena, booked a flight to FL to go and visit her sister, Rosie.  Lena and Mike got to talking about their upcoming trips and realized they were both flying out the same day.  Lena changed her flight till earlier and flew with Mike. 

Then, then ... also, a few weeks ago, Mike's sister Rosie asked where in Destin Mike was golfing?  He texted her the name of the resort and her response was crazy!  She said, "That's where we live!!!!"  What???  Really?  Rosie and her family moved to Destin, FL, two years ago.  We never went to visit (I know isn't that terrible?  Sorry guys!).  I could name a few excuses, but I guess I will spare the thoughts!  When Mike realized that he was going to be golfing right in their neighborhood, he was extra excited.  I wanted to so bad just crawl in his suitcase and go along! 

When he arrived in FL, Rosie picked up Lena and Mike went with the golfers.  His lodging was in a small apartment on top of small shops.  He loved it and enjoyed sipping his coffee and watching the shoppers walk the streets.  His golf was fun too!  He kept texting me pictures of the scenery and the gorgeous views!  The weather was perfect but his allergies were nuts!  His golf team won a tournament they played and got to even bring home a trophy!  Good job guys!

Mike loves to golf but also loves his family.  This trip he got to do both!  After his golf games, he hung out with Ben's.  Thanks Ben and Rosie and boys for showing Mike around and transporting him back and forth with your golf cart!!!  :)

While Mike was gone, I was home trying to run the household!  Parenting three children for a few days without their daddy is stressful!  There was a few times that I just took a deep breath and then exhaled!  We stopped in at my in-laws for my pepper jars we canned last week and mom told us to stay for supper.  That was a treat.  Thanks mom!  We did our usual Thursday night activity at home after we got back ... study spelling words and Bible Memory Verses.  Both Hadassah and Matthew got that accomplished!  (I wish I could say it went without a few tears shed.  Matthew wanted and tried to say his verse without really knowing it.  When he would miss a word, I would stop him and correct him.  Frustrating!  He finally was told to go into his bedroom and "study" the verse.  That always works the best!!!)

Friday, the kids went to school and I was out to clean the shop.  Our days are a bit cooler and so working outside was great too.  Friday night, we were home and watched "Nomeo and Juliet" again.  That movie is a favorite right now for the kids.  I get a huge kick out of it too!!!  :)  As I tucked Hadassah in bed, she said, "Mom, can I sleep with you?  I'm not real tired."  We both came out to the kitchen, poured out a glass of milk, and dipped graham crackers with peanut butter!  This seems to be "our" snack together!  Love these times!  She was fast asleep in no time after she got tucked in again ... this time in my bed!

Saturday, I was planning to sleep in.  Why is it when you don't have to get up with the sound of the alarm clock, something else wakes you up?  Ashlyn was up at 6:45 and then my phone rang right after that.  Mommy D. was at a local garage sale and she was kind enough to let me know about it!  By now, both girls were awake, I was awake and so we got Matthew up and out the house we went to garage sale.  No great treasures found but fun.

There was a fundraiser going on at Gap Park that we went to support at lunch time.  Their BBQ chicken was the best!!!!  Then the afternoon at home was filled with cleaning out the van, mowing the green lawn again, listening to the kids play, and doing a study in my Bible Study book.

We were out again at 4 to take some pictures for a family.  The kids stayed at Jody's and they are never, never, ever ready to leave when I get back!!!  That must be a good sign!!!  :)  We were invited back to my in-laws for some hot tea and settlers!!!  Oh, yes!!!  Love nights like these!  I won two games and mom one!  Yep ... Dad was ready to quit!  Never to play again! :)

Sunday, I got the kids ready for church alone.  It just doesn't seem right with Mike not being in the house!  It went well though.  The kids ate waffles, I drank a cup of my fav Hazelnut Creme' coffee, we jammed on the song "Rescue Me" and I slurped some granola and milk down on the way to church.  We were even a tad early!  I was actually excited to greet the 'greeters'!  (Normally, we walk into church and they all look at their watches)  :)  We journeyed through the Old Testament stories in our sermon and then had council meeting.  Thanks ministers for allowing God to use you again!  We love you all so much!!!

Last evening, we had a supper arrangement with friends and Mike's entire family.  Again, we missed Mike not being there but the kids had a blast with all their friends!

Now, it's Monday.  It's October 1st.  It's time to put another load in the dryer.  It's time to start some more housecleaning and then enjoy the outdoors!

Be thankful for your family!  For your husband at home!  For healthy bodies.  For the God of the universe!!! 

Heard this quote a few days ago and it's been ringing in my mind ever since: