Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The storm is over ... Hurricane Sandy.

Hurricane Sandy sure made her presence known around our area the past few days.  I woke this morning with it not raining and the winds were calm.  I actually thought for a few seconds we were going to have a sunshine!  The sun tried to break through the clouds and I got excited.

I drove the kids off to school this morning because "Hermy", the hermit crab we have been pet sitting, couldn't return back to school on the bus.  It felt good to be back out and around instead of being inside my house yet another day.

We tried to take precautions for the upcoming storm.  The rain started Sunday already here but getting together late and watching the Giants play the last game in the World Series, still got us out of the house and cheering with Matt's!  We got calls saying that our school will be closed Monday and Tuesday.  We went to bed late glad we could sleep in!

Monday morning came and the rain was still coming down hard.  We are surrounded by farm fields here with no creeks or rivers never by, so the flooding was not an issue for our family.  Instead, it was the thought of losing electric and living without running water.  We all got showered up and the bath tub got filled Monday morning, just in case we would need some water to flush toilets.  Hadassah kept begging all day long for a friend to come over and I would promptly remind her why she was home from school ... there is a storm going on outside!!!  Who wants to be out and about in a hurricane?  The kids played school and entertained themselves inside with games and toys.  Mike went to work and came home at 4:15.  It was getting miserable outside and the wind was picking up.  We moved everything off the porches and hoped things would all be OK outside. 

Speaking of getting out and about ... we did decide to make a quick trip over to Mike's dads and spend the evening/night(?) there.  They are Amish and so if the electric goes out, they are not affected.  Mom made a wonderful supper for us and then we hunkered down for some settlers mist the storm outside!!!  Matt and Lena joined us and we played two games of 6 players settlers.  The night was fun and a great way to make the storm hours go by quickly.  I had packed our bags in case we would have to spend the night.  The weather reports were all saying high winds.  It felt like a snowstorm was coming with all our packing up and hanging out!!!  We did drive back home that night and when we got home, we still had heat and water!!!  I told the kids that night when we tucked them into bed that if the winds are too noisy or if they get scared, they were to come and wake me up and we would go downstairs to sleep.  Each of us had flashlights beside our beds when we feel asleep just in case of an emergency!

Tuesday morning came and we still had power!!!  Thank you Lord!  Everyone slept good and the kids slept in!!!  No school today again.  The winds and rain calmed down a bit.  Hadassah again begged for friends to come over, and so my sister Jody and her kids stopped in in the afternoon.  That was fun!  Thanks Jody!  Even though our electric was on, my Internet service was down.  I was hoping to at least get some pictures edited or blogging posted, but it all has to wait.  Instead my scrap booking supplies came out of their bags and I got some pages cropped!  I find that if I keep my stuff out on my desk, even though it looks a bit messy, I get more cropping done that way!  Mike did go to work and when he came home last night, the kids were ready to hang out with him.  Small groups was canceled so we played a few games of 'marbles' here at home as a family.  I really have come to enjoy games with the kids.  We have moved on from 'chutes and ladders' to more exciting games!!!  :)))

Now that the storm has passed by our way, we don't want to forget all those that were 'hit hard' by the nasty weather.  New York and those shore side states have so much clean up to do!!!

It was good to have the kids up and ready for school this morning.  They really get so bored with the rain outside and no school.  When it snows, they can at least play outside.  (The rain didn't stop Matthew from going out in it though!  He bundled up twice and played outside.  Guessing it's a boy thing???)  Matthew's class has a hermit crab as a pet and we signed up to care for it this past weekend.  We got to have two extra days because of no school.  "Hermy" was an entertainment at times around here!!!

Now that the storm has passed by our way, we don't want to forget all those that were 'hit hard' by the nasty weather.  New York and those shore side states have so much clean up to do!!! 

Our things are back on the back porch but my leaves and debris from the winds and rains need to be worked on!  Gotta go get to work!

I hope you stayed safe while the storm passed by but if you were affected in any means, may the Lord bless you and keep you safe today!!!  I am praising Him for His protection!!!