Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Being Real in my 'real life' ...

The feeling of sleeping in and not having a real reason to have to set the alarm clock, was such a good feeling when I pulled the bed covers up against my face Sunday night. 

Now, its another Monday morning.  The kids were able to sleep in because they have no school today because of Columbus Day.  They requested french toast for breakfast and then we were off to Ladies Bible Study at church.  I was smiling inside beside Matthew kept telling Hadassah how fun this is all going to be there.  He remembered being along with me to Bible Study before he went to school.  The small bounce house, the crafts, the balls and snack was what he kept going off about!  We were on our way when Hadassah asked, "Matthew, how big is this bounce house?"  He replied, "About as tall as mom."  "What?  Oh my word, will be even be able to fit in it?"  Kids!!!!  :)))  They did both enjoy the activities and Ashlyn always loves the fun too!

(I wrote this post yesterday.  Excuse me for being a day late to post it!)

We are so into our Christmas music around the house right now.  Last week, I popped in a CD while driving down the road and the song "Jingle Bells" came on.  I turned it up loud!  It just felt fun!  Ashlyn was bouncing up and down in her car seat and loving the moment too!  Ever since, we've been hooked!

Hadassah keeps saying, "I can't wait till it gets cold.  I want it to be 10 degrees outside.  I can't wait for the snow and cold."  Not sure where the thoughts and desires are coming from ... but I hear it almost every day.  It makes me shiver just knowing that the cold weather is approaching us.  However, our heat is turned on and with the damp grounds outside, my indoor activity is fine with me!

Talk about 'my indoor activity' for today ... it consists of a lot.  (Again, written yesterday.)  I got back from Bible Study and got right to my work.  Then Mike called and said to turn on the radio and listen.  It talked about how much we multi task and think that's cool or right.  It's always kinda been a tease between Mike and I how I think women can multi task better that men.  Really?  I am foolish if I totally think its always like that or that men can not do more than one thing at a time.  No, they really can do a lot too.

Anyway, the message on the radio was not about if men or women can do a bunch of things at one time but it was about why do we do so much at once?  Why?  We wear our phones on our ears.  We race from one project to the next.  We are off to yet another planned event instead of 'taking a break'.  It seems like a race we all have to run in!!!  (This is one thing I do look forward to with the colder months.  It's a slower pace.  Not so much going on.  Evenings at home!)  What is this teaching our children?  How will this all affect them when they are older?

I was listening.  It was good food for thought.  I then stopped and thought of my activities that very moment.  (Now, please don't get me wrong ... doing and getting a lot done in one day is OK!  No sin there.  I like that feeling!  I would rather be a tad bit busy than nothing planned.  That's just how I am wired.  Rests and relaxation, however, are therapy to my mind, body and soul too!!!)

I texted Mike this: 

"What a day to remind me.  Bible Study but before I left I put a roast in the oven.  Home for lunch.  Bread is rising in one oven while the roast is baking in the other.  Made 5 pie crusts that will be baking pumpkin pies inside of them as soon as the bread is finished.  The grape mush looks perfect and hopefully will taste delicious!  Got potatoes to peel yet and bake and then deliver a supper to JR & Linda!  But but ... All is going so well.  Kids are playing with Christmas music in the background.  Baby is sleeping.  I am happy!  Gotta go my buzzer is telling me it's time to turn on the oven on to bake my bread!  Then fold my towels! ;)"

The afternoon went so well with all that going on!

The real reason for this post was to go with my title ... "Being Real in my 'real life'."  It sparked a thought when on Sunday the minister encouraged me to be real.  For real.  The world doesn't need another fake.  It needs real people to be real friends.  Real encourager's.  Real prayer warriors.  Real Christians proclaiming Jesus!

Be real today.  Maybe you feel guilt.  Maybe you are down from a harsh spoken word that you heard.  Be real and rise above!  (Somehow this seems easier to type than to actually live out.  Help me Lord!)

Today is now Tuesday.  (Again, most of this post was written yesterday in between my projects.)  The kids are back in school.  The weather is still wet outside and cloudy.  Ashlyn is making a big pile with her books.  I have secret sister programs to make and a gift to buy before tonight!

Be blessed and be a blessings to all you may meet today!  Be real!