Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Let's let "Spring" spring forth!!!

Got that?  Happy First Day of Spring!!!  I have been so looking forwards to this day!!!  I know that the 20th of March is just another day on the calendar but it always says ... "First Day of Spring"!!!  No matter what the weather is outside, cold or warm, it is now Spring in my mind!  That's exciting!  I already feel motivated to Spring clean.  Ahh ... just kidding!  :)  I'll get my urge.  I'll wait for it to come!  :)

I love Spring time.  It's the time of year that seems to wake up the earth!  We are enjoying the robins in our tree's (and Matthew is working on getting rid of the black birds that every year seem to make all their nests in our pines.)  The grass is slowly turning green.  The bulbs in the ground are breaking through the dirt and will soon be tulips and johnny jumps! 

Thinking about flowers is like theory for me!  I love, love greenhouse shopping.  Even if it means greenhouse window shopping for now and until the weather allows me to actually plant them in the ground.  I just said last night to my mother-in-law that I can't wait to go visit the greenhouses! 

I am thrilled to say that today will be that day!  We are taking sister Jody out for her birthday.  We plan to stop for some pansies and a gift for her.  We will also eat lunch together somewhere?  Her pick!

The first day of Spring is always the first opening day for Rita's Italian Ice too.  I plan to surprise the kids this afternoon when I pick them up at school with going for some free ice!  Hopefully, the weather will be nice and not give snow showers as it's predicted!  :/  Let's have warmth and sun now!!!  Would that be too much to ask our Lord?  Never too much for Him! 

I am energized by the sunshine this morning.  Thank you Lord for the dose and rays that are streaming through my picture window right now!!! 


I realized the other day that I had a few more fun pictures from our Florida Family Vacation that I would still like to post ....

These two love, love Popsicles!
 Hadassah made rose's out of play dough one afternoon.  They had fun getting creative!

 The sweet oranges that I juiced a lot of, I am still enjoying!  We brought some along home and I had another fresh glass of fresh squeezed orange juice this morning!

Here are the awesome people that live with me!  They are so cool!!!  Love them all!!!

Our last day on the beach and enjoying the ocean!

All three kids loved the water!  Ashlyn loved the waves!  Matthew did not like the seaweed but liked the wet!  Hadassah loved diving through the water and swimming!
One afternoon, I was sitting out on the back porch in Florida and Ashlyn was running through the towels on the washline.  I love the way she is enjoying this.  Oh, to be more FREE and LIVE LIFE MORE LIKE THROUGH A CHILD'S EYES!