Saturday, March 23, 2013

Waiting ... for the "Spring" weather!

Burr.  Shiver.  It's cold outside!  I don't mean to complain.  I am so ready for some warmer weather!  I don't think my seeds have been able to do a thing in the cold ground?  But, I am so thankful that the sun is shining bright today!  It lifts my mood against the coldness outside!  (And maybe I should go check on my seeds?  I might be surprised and see some sprouting!  That would be exciting!  : ) )

I have some random pictures to post today.  Hadassah had some friends over the other weekend.  The three of them had a blast together!  They are chums!!! 

They took my camera out back and did photo sessions of one another.

 Hair curled!  Smiles everyone!

 They even snuck a few of Ashlyn in the midst of the girl fun!
 Then they got creative and decided to paint an 'Easter Scene'.  They got a board and some paint.  They painted with their fingers and did a great job!
 They gave the finished project to their wonderful teacher ... Miss. Kreider!  They adore her!

"Spring warmness ... please, please come!  I keep going outside without my jacket and shoes!  Mom keeps saying that I need warm weather to go outside barefoot!  Please!  Please come soon!"  ~ Ashlyn


Ashlyn is all into sticker books.  She does it daily.  A lot!  She completed one book with no more stickers to pull off and restick.  She is now on the second book!  She loves, loves it!  Right now, it's else the sticker books or the Jesus books! 

Jesus books ~ All three kids loved these same books.  I read them over and over in my own version and words.  "Around and around and around went the stone.  Zing.  It hit the bear in the head.  The bear fell dead!"  This is my re inaction of David killing a bear.  Ashlyn now says this herself and it sounds way too cute!!!


Easter is right around the corner.  Next weekend in fact! That's exciting to me.  Reading over the Easter Story and reflecting on the death of Christ is always the best reminder for me that Christ died for me!  On a cruel cross!  For me!

Anyway, I responded to emails about the kids school Easter parties.  I also searched on Pinterest with some fun foods to do with the kids over this time.  There are some great ideas!

Last night, we had a family movie night!  Here at home.  It was great fun!  I think we got three movies watched.  Well, Mike and I fell asleep on the couch before 11 PM!!!  During the movies, we ate popcorn and "Peep Smores"! 

When I came across this idea ... I thought it was the coolest thing!  Of course ... why not make a smores out of graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallow peeps?!  Brilliant!  I stacked the ingredients and then placed them under broil for just a bit and until the peeps began to get soft.  We then topped them with the second crackers and yum!  They were good!

Have a great weekend! 
Spending lots of time with the kids and Mike is the only major thing on my agenda this weekend!
Stay warm.  :/