Thursday, March 20, 2014

It's Spring!!!

I couldn't wait to wake up this morning and go room to room telling everyone, "It's the first day of Spring!!!"  I get energized just knowing it in my mind that Spring is here and that surely one of these days the weather will turn pleasant too!

With it being now Spring ... I am making a Spring Bucket list!!!  I got some of these ideas from other sources and then added many of my own.

~ Rejoice.  "This is the day that the Lord has made;  let us rejoice and be glad in it!" Ps. 118:24
~ I am very happy to have most of my Spring cleaning already done!  Thanks to mom and my sister/sister-in-laws for coming over to help me!!!
~ Be determined to exercise!!!  I have this aching thought to get into running (or at least for a brisk walk) again.  I keep thinking "when the weather gets nicer" but I know that's just an excuse!!!  "Lord, help me get determined!"
~ Plant the garden!
~ Make some spring planters!
~ Plant lots of basil (because I love it so much) and other useful herbs!
~ Don't let the weeds and my outside work get overwhelming!  Enjoy the outdoor work!
~ Trim, Edge & Mulch!
~ Um, pull the weeds and then mulch!  :)
~ Plant flowers!  Lot's of colorful ones because flowers make me smile!
~ Get my signs for the garden out of the barn.
~ Plan a birthday party for our toddler!  She will be turning three soon!
~ Organize the garage and barn (for the one millionth time!  :))) )
~ Get the mower, weed eater and blower fired up.
~ Fill up the bird feeders.
~ Fertilize the roses.
~ Open the windows and hear the birds sing outside!
~ Admire the tulips and daffodils.
~ Go to garage sales and possibly have a garage sale myself!  Hadassah and I love this!
~ Enjoy Easter!  The story of Jesus.  Communion.   Gatherings with family.  And fill some eggs with candy. 
~ Start going to baseball games to cheer Matthew on in little league and support Mike as he coaches the Gators.
~ Shot lots of basketball hoops with the kids.  Or do sidewalk chalk.  Or jump rope.  Or all of the above!
~ Eat fresh fish ... because I know Matthew will be catching some for us again in a few weeks!  :)
~ Eat lots of greens with the home grown lettuce and veggies!!!  Yum!!!
~ Count my blessings!
~ Continue to have lots of date nights with Mike!
~ Give plenty of hugs and kisses to the children!  They are growing so fast!  Embrace the moment!
~ Hang out with friends!!!  :)

It felt so good today to give the house another good cleaning over.  I know that with more outdoor play there comes with it more tracks and dirt in the house.  That's OK if it stays to a minimum.  As I cleaned I even opened the bedroom windows just enough to bring it some fresh air.  I would really love to visit a greenhouse today yet too!  Just because it's spring and I get charged by seeing plants grow!

Today is also my sister's birthday too!  (Another reason I remember what March 20 is!!!  A birthday for sis and spring!!!)  Happy Birthday, Jody!  You are so special!

It's here!!!  It's Spring!!!  Enjoy all the blooms!  All the fresh air!  All the wonderful feelings that only this season can bring!!!