Monday, November 3, 2014

November ...

Hadassah flipped the calendar page for me and said, "It's November now!"  She's been counting the weeks till Black Friday shopping!  That's become a major highlight for the two of us to do together!!!  It's also been getting colder as the summer months have officially left us.  The wind was blowing and howling yesterday and the lights even blinked a couple times at church because of the wind.  With it now being November, the holidays are right around the corner.  I can't believe I'm typing out those words ... but it's true!  This morning on the radio, I heard, "Only seven weeks till Christmas."  I was shocked and went right to the calendar to count the weeks.  They were right!  7 1/2 weeks till Christmas!  Ashlyn was excited to hear that and said, "I love Christmas because then it's going to snow.  I love eating snow!"  :)

Thinking of November does not really get me into the Christmas rush just yet because I know Thanksgiving is first!!!  I wish we could not rush through the thanksgiving season so fast but every year it seems like the Christmas Spirit is coming sooner.  Don't get me wrong, I love everything about the Christmas Season!  The birth of Christ, the nativity scenes, the smells, the tastes, lights, gifts, family gatherings, etc. but taking a special holiday like Thanksgiving is something we all need big time!!!  Thankfulness is so important!  If we are thankful, we are not so moody!  Not so greedy.  Not so focused on ourselves.  Willing to share with others the blessings God has given to us!!!  Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away and for that reason, we will still be thinking lots of fall and drink more apple cider!!!  :)  I will not pretend that Christmas will go on hold though in my mind.  We have a shopping day coming up with sisters.  I looked at my Christmas list this weekend to see what's all to be shopped for.  I have Christmas music playing softly because I am a huge fan of Christmas music and only seven weeks of it is not near long enough for me!  :)  Can we think Christmas and yet be very thankful!?!  Yes, indeed!!!

Hadassah and I got a night out to shop and sip on hot drinks together!  I love when we can do this!  It was very impromptu.  But those seem to be the most fun anyway!!!  I was on the couch part of the day with a major sore throat.  Drinking hot lemon water and teas felt the best!  I wished for some Halls to suck on.  Mike and Matthew were out working on the farm at dad's and getting some work done on his four wheeler and when they got back home, I mentioned going out with Hadassah.  She was all into it so we bundled up and wrapped a scarf around my sore throat and headed for the gas station to get a pack of Halls.  I had them in my mouth most of the night and they really helped soothe it!  We started by shopping Marshalls a bit and then went to the mall.  We strolled through the stores and Hadassah bought a new pair of boots that she is really pleased with.  We ate Chinese food and noodles, warm soup and then stopped for a milkshake and hot tea on the way home.  We noticed some Christmas lights were being displayed outside at some homes and again, the night out with Hadassah was fun!  We got home and all cuddled in blankets and watched a movie.  Family time is so special!!!

My throat feels much better but now it sounds raspy!  A slight runny nose is to be fought yet.  Talk about healing up ... Ginger is doing the same!  Last Tuesday she had surgery to have her hernia removed.  She did good in surgery and now has a line of stiches to heal!  She has to wear a cone over her head to keep her from licking or biting the incision.  She's been real good through the whole process.  Keeping her from jumping up on the couch or on and off Hadassah's bed has been a challenge though.  We've been keeping her on a leash inside a lot so she don't jump and ripe a stitch but as of yesterday, we've been letting her roam the house more freely.  She seems to be getting better and I keep watching the stitches.  They are looking fine and we can't wait to get them out next week!  Until then, she's living with that cone thing over her head!

The holidays are fast approaching us!!!  I can't wait!  Pumpkin pie and hot cider are my two sweet picks!  Have a great day and I hope the sun is shining as bright for you as it is here at my home!!!