Friday, May 5, 2017

Going to Visit and Encourage ...

Our bags are packed.  Mike and I are going to visit his very sick father and dear mother.  I can't wait to see them again but my heart is still cautious and nervous.  How will Dad be when we arrive?  Mom keeps saying he's so weak.  So sick.  Trying to fight this furious fight of cancer.

Dad did have his stomach surgery yesterday and for that we are very grateful for!  He needs this to survive!  We are hoping with all hopes that this will allow him to drink and eat foods without throwing up!!!  He's body is so weak from not eating for weeks and weeks but again we are grateful for IV supplements and nutrition! 

Mom Lapp is so tired too!  She cares for Dad as much as she can while he lays in the hospital.  She makes a lot of decisions each day.  There is so much to process with all these big decisions and all she wants is the best for Dad!!!  Please keep praying for Mom as she fights with Dad to get well!!!

There are so many doctors and nurses that have helped and blessed Mom and Dad and the family through all of this cancer journey.  We've been blessed to have great hands and skilled care!

Mike and I would appreciate if you would cover us in your prayers over the next week.  We hope to go send some sunshine and love and joy to Dad and Mom!  Thank you so much to all those who are caring and loving on our family here at home!!!

We've been so blessed by so many over the past months!  People have helped us with Dad's yard work.  Brought us meals.  Prayed for healing and strength.  Called or texted with encouragement.  Invited us out for lunch or over for supper.  Sent cards.  Etc., etc..  THANK YOU so much!!!

This all got dropped off just the other night by a friend that has seen a lot of sorrow and grief in her life.  Including seeing loved ones fight cancer!!!  Thank you so much Hannah for the delicious meal and thoughtfulness!!!

Yesterday was National Day of Prayer and it sure was extra prayers in this house!!!  Prayers for our country and leaders and for Dad in surgery!!!

At night, I lay on the couch or in bed strolling through Pinterest!!!  I have found so many neat quotes and verses of encouragement!!!

Thank you for praying for the Lapp Family!!!