Wednesday, March 21, 2018

First Day of Spring!!!

Yeah!!!  Spring has finally arrived and made it through yet another winter.  The weather forecast is not making that reality because more snow is to come our way.  These Nor'easter, or snow storms, are coming late for us this year.  March is known to have some blizzards and this year is proving that's true. 

But, on Monday, the day before "Spring", the sun was shining and the weather decent outside.  I decided to pick the kids up at school and we went straight to the greenhouses.  Ashlyn's been begging to go and I'm always into that idea!!!  :)  I'm ready to buy not just some flowers but some seeds too.  But that will have to wait!

Ashlyn begged for one of these.  What a nice display of the cross and empty tomb!!!  It brings our house some Easter vibes.

We came home and got our fingers right into the dirt!!!  We loved the smell of the fresh potting soil and Ashlyn pressed the flowers into the dirt after I laid them in place.


The kids played outside like Spring really was here.  They came back inside smelling like the fresh air and in need of baths.

Spring arrives officially tomorrow and we will pretend that the snow forecast is not going to happen.