Friday, March 2, 2018

It's March!!!

Ever since I started posting on Instagram, I sometimes forget to fill in on the blog.  I don't mean to do that because every year, I print out this blog from January - December and order it in a book form.  It's been the easiest, best way for me to get an album done for my family each year.  It's way better than my scrap booking hours for our family album because I write more when I type and it's just much faster and easier this way!!!  You should try it!!!  (I still scrapbook the old fashioned way for the kids albums.)
Anyway, it is now March and I am super excited about this!!!  The main reason is because on March 20 ... marks the first day of Spring!  Yesterday seemed more like Spring was coming and now today, winter is diffidently still here.  Windy and cold!!!  That's one big 'dislike' I have about March.  I get all excited and hyped about this being the "spring month" but then winter still seems to linger on for like forever!!!
When I flipped over the calendar page yesterday, I about pinched myself.  Winter is going by so fast and I am just fine with that!!!  Florida always seems to help break up the long, cold days but this winter is flying by!!!  Like I mentioned, March 20 got circled on my calendar because it's the first day of Spring!!!  It used to also be Rita's first day to open but I saw yesterday that they are already open now.  Don't tell Ashlyn because she loves Rita's and will be begging to go the day she finds out it's open!
March is the month when I start going to greenhouses.  I LOVE, LOVE to go visit them and see all the pretty plants thriving!  I also love that Spring is the start of flowers and more daylight and mowing green grass and buying and planting seeds and cleaning up the outside of the house (minus the pulling weeds) and making it look so pretty so that when summer comes, we are ready to kick back at the pool and drink cold meadow tea!  Or eat sweet strawberries tossed in homegrown lettuce!!!  And then feast on egg rolls and rice when the yard sales start up!!!  I just can't wait for it all to begin!!!
March has me already jotting down my gardening wishes.  I keep thinking about ordering seeds online but then that would take away a visit to the greenhouses!  And that would be terrible so I just will get geared and excited to go see what's all growing in those warm, pot filled houses soon!!! 
I sent these pictures to my hubby the other day.  I didn't get a comment back just yet but I am wishing for something like this to add to our garden beds this Spring!  Thank you Pinterest for the inspiration!

 And talking about Hubby ... he is off to Arizona again for his annual golf outing!!!  He left on Tuesday and we grabbed a bite to eat together before I dropped him off at Hailey Paint where he met Mike and then off to the airport from there.  Let me just say that little outings like this have been such a blessing and we love to this if he is out of town for a few days.  This time we ate at DJ's 50 Diner and I ordered what is Matthew's favorite ever!!!  Their "Mile High Burger"!!!  And now I know why he likes this so much!!!  It's piled high with a juicy burger, lettuce, tomato, bacon, cheese and onion rings plus, plus BBQ sauce and dilly ranch dressing!!!  It's a burger that drips out on every side when you bite into it and it's so, so, so, so good!!!

I will miss Mike while he's gone and try my best to "hold down the fort at home" without him.


Here's what he sent me the other day!!!  Wow!!!
Earlier this week, the weather was nice.  Austin wants to be outside if possible and this day he thought Peppa Pig wanted to jump in muddy puddles.  :)))
He also is learning how to ride his hunting jeep pretty good!  It was a bit to learn how to press on the pedal and steer at the same time but he's got it now and ready to explore the outdoors!!!

And here's a photo we sent to Mike! 

 Tuesday and Wednesday were just beautiful days here at our home!!!  Blue skies and not freezing cold.

It got me into cooking in the kitchen!  I cooked up some fish for our supper the other night and added a side salad with Florida strawberries!!!  So yummy!!!  I also made a batch of Cranberry Biscottis.

And while searching for a granola recipe that I hopped to copy and make it taste similar to Yoder's Grandma Granola (in Florida).  I love their granola!!!  But while looking though recipe books I spied this cookie recipe that begged me to make them!!!  They are so, so good!!!  I try to get the recipe on here soon!

March is here and I'm so excited to start getting outside and working in the gardens and getting those first seeds planted in the ground.  But for today, it's windy, cold and rainy.  I think I might pour myself another cup of coffee or tea and enjoy a biscotti before "Little Man" wakes up from his nap!!!

Happy Weekend friends!!!