Monday, May 13, 2019

Boys ...

Matthew's baseball games began and we are having such a fun time watching and cheering!!!  The team is called Bullets and Mike and I chuckle every time Austin says that!  Even though Matthew's team lost their game this week, there were some good plays!!!

Mike went to his first game this week too!  He's helping Thunder this year.  It's a team from church and that too will be fun to watch!  Matthew had a program at school the same night as Mike's first game, so I didn't get a photo of him all suited up - but I will!!!! 

How can I have two "big boy" ball suits in the wash already???

The other day, some moms from church met at the park for a play date!  It was fun and fun to watch Austin play his first football game!!!  :)))

And talk about a proud momma moment, Matthew had to mow the car wash yard on Friday afternoon because he was out all day Saturday at a track met!  He went mowing as soon as he got home from school but still got caught in the rain storm!  Mike swung by on the way home from work to pick him up and took this photo!  Matthew hated this little side job at first because it actually does take some energy, work, sweat and pushing to get it all mowed but it's so good for him to work and persevere!  Now look!  When I was sure he quit and was just not going to finish it, he was still out mowing in the pouring rain and finishing it with determination!  Good job, Matthew!!!!

Austin picked out some ice cream at the grocery store the other day and we enjoyed some banana splits on the back porch!!!

And here are the little cheerleaders at the ball park!!!!

We've had such lovely weather this spring so far and now it's raining for the third day in a row.  I wish the sun would shine today but meanwhile, I'm still blowing and wiping my nose from a cold I caught this past weekend.  The heat got turned on again to help with the chill and dampness.

Happy Monday friends!