Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Spa days!

This past weekend I got to spend some time (hours actually) at the local spa here in our little town!!!  I'm realizing how cool our town really is and should really take a day to just browse it and check out all the many little shops!  But before I tell you about my spa experience, I want to introduce this recipe to you!  I'm a Pinterest lover and I love to try new foods, recipes and flavors!  I had bought a pack of tortellini at Aldi the other week and stuck it in the freezer for a time when dinner needed to be fast!  I admit, I had tortellini years ago and really didn't like it!  Mike's had it a few times at different restaurants and has mentioned it for me to make!  I saw a pack at Adli and grabbed it!  When I needed a quick meal last week, I looked up tortellini on Pinterest and went right to making it!  It was really, VERY delicious and I'm sure I will be making this again!!!! 

I am also very happy to have the first clippings of spinach from the garden!!!!  So yummy!  I also bought some sourdough bread at a local auction two weeks ago and we just totally loved it!!!!  A local mom makes it right in her home and takes orders weekly!  We tried the Cinnamon Raisin and loved it but she's got different kinds of breads and we are now on loaf number 2!

Last Thursday, Matthew had a Spring Program at school that I got to attend!  Mike also had a ballgame the same night, so the littles went with him while I sat in peace through the program!!!!  It was very good and I'm proud of these boys that get up and actually sing!!!


And now for some SPA talk!!!  I love a good massage!  I love pedicures and manicures!  My dear husband gifted me a certificate to the Inn and Spa in town at Christmas and I've been waiting to the mulching is finished and the outside "hard" work is completed!  It takes a lot of sweat and effort all summer long to keep the grass cut, the edging trimmed, the weeds pulled and flowers watered but that seems to be under control if I do it every single week!

I was last minute at calling the spa for an appointment (it's just how I am).  I thought it would be perfect to do it last weekend with it being Mother's Day and my birthday on Sunday!  I was able to schedule a massage and nails for Friday but then had to go back on Saturday for my facial!  I would now totally do it this way again!  Friday was so relaxing!  So wonderful to have oils and lotions and massages and warm blankets and all that spa experience things going on!  I loved it!!!!  It felt marvelous!  However, that night, after coming back home to reality and cleaning out lunches and folding laundry and sweeping floors, my nose started to drip!  I wasn't feeling the greatest and felt like a nasty cold was about to let loose!

Saturday I was sneezing, scratchy throat and constantly blowing my nose.  When I went back to have my facial done, I asked them if this was normal or if it's just a coincidence that I am sick after the message?!?  They mentioned that maybe the massaging of the muscles could have caused some drainage or detox!?!  I hate the word detox but I know our bodies do need it now and then.  I enjoyed my facial!!! 

I felt so pampered and spoiled!!!!  But now I have this big time cold and I still not feeling the greatest!  Sore throat.  Stuffy yet running nose.  I'm drinking lots of water!  Lots of tea!  Trying out my new oils to see if they help soothe the throat!  As much as I enjoyed the spa, maybe next time I should just stick to the nails and toes!?!

I was excited about the weekend!  Hadassah was already off to her last volleyball tournament for this season with PA Elite.  Tyler was staying all weekend because Tony's are on Chorale tour.  We had celebrations to do and spending time as a family was high on the agenda!!!!

Even though the weather wasn't looking great, there was a great weekend ahead of me yet!