Friday, May 24, 2019

Track N Field Days ~

School is winding down and we are excited to have these last few fun events going on at school!!!!!  Track N Field Day is something the kids always look forward to and enjoy!!!  Matthew's track day was on Tuesday!  It was sunny but cold and windy!  Even though I was wrapped in a blanket almost all day, we still got a warm glow on our skins! 
Matthew is finishing up 8th grade.  It's unreal how fast time is going and to know that we will have to high scholars next year is amazing! 
Matthew competed in high jump!

Austin was his little shadow throughout the day!  Here Matthew takes time to throw catch with him a bit!  And he pushed him on the swings later in the day.  It touched my heart because I didn't have to ask him to do these things for Austin, he just wanted to!

At the end of the day, Austin asked to run around the track one time!  He ran the whole track without stopping and Matthew was at the finish line cheering him on!!!!!  Love this!

 When we got home, Ashlyn went upstairs and grabbed some tubbies.  Matthew filled them up with hot water and the kids soaked on the back porch!  Bring on all the summer vibes right!!!???

On Wednesday, we went right back to school for day 2 of Track N Field.  This time it was Ashlyn's day to shine!

There are always relay races in the morning.  Everyone is put into group colors and compete in that way!

Go GREEN!!!!

 And look who got to sit together to cheer for Ashlyn and Hunter!!!!!

After lunch, we moved down to the tracks for the field events.  Here Ashlyn got to compete in some running events.  This day the weather was much better!  Warm and sunny and we now have based tans!

These track days make the kids so tired!  They did great and enjoyed the events but by the time it was bedtime, they were ready to be tucked in and say good night!!!!

We are so blessed to have such a great group of teachers and leaders to make days like these fun and eventful!!  Thank you LINVILLE HILL STAFF!!!!!