Wednesday, January 27, 2021

20 years of marriage!

 It's so hard to believe that Mike and I are celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary today!!!  My how the years do go by so quickly!!!!

Looking back, there's so much that we didn't know about each other.  We knew we were madly in love but as newly weds we had to work out those pet peeves.  We came from two different families with two different ways of doing some things.  We had to figure out how to save and spend money.  We bought our first home and did some renovations to it before our wedding day.  We were young and had to learn how to grow up together.  We started a family together.  Hadassah was born a day before our first anniversary.  ALL THIS HAPPENED IN OUR FIRST YEAR OF MARRIAGE!!!

Some of our differences would have been how to spend money.  Mike is the saver and I'm the spender type.  We had to talk out what was necessary and we had a house payment every month that we needed to pay.  My parents bought SO MUCH for us when we got married and that really did help with getting our house things in place and we are so grateful for their gifts but there were always things to improve around the house and projects that could be done.  Mike and I were both raised in Christian homes but some of our views were still different.  One of us didn't close the toilet lid or the shower curtain when done using them and that annoyed me!  There were many little things that annoyed my spouse back then too and it doesn't really matter anymore what those things were because now we would probably just laugh at them but most importantly was for us to bring our two different selves together and make one home!!!  Mike went to school in a one room school house and I went to a private christian school.  We had to decide what would be best for our children when the school days arrived.  We were both going to the same church and youth group so we had that going for us!!!!

Mike worked at the shop for his dad all his young working years.  When we got married, he bought his first shed hauling truck and was in the truck doing deliveries some days and especially on Saturdays.  I was still going to market on Thursday and Saturdays but that soon changed up when I got pregnant and had morning sickness.  Mike played baseball during the summer and I went along to cheer!  The older kids spent many nights at the ball park watching their dad play baseball!

Over the years, Mike's sports of hunting and playing baseball shifted into Hadassah playing volleyball and Matthew into basketball.  Mike took up golf and Matthew loves that now too!  So much has changed over the years and the kids are growing up so fast!  It seems crazy to think back of how young we were and now we are still feeling mostly young but I'm about ready to hit the big 40.

Our family of six is thriving and we try to balance out our time for the teenagers and for the little ones.  

I forever grateful for all the goodness and blessings that God had for us and our family over the years.  We've been over all healthy!  When we did need doctors, we always made full recovery!  God has protected us and watched over us!  God gave me such a wonderful man and Mike is my very best friend!!!  We did learn how to do life side by side.  Together.  We are still learning and by far don't have many good answers to tough questions but we believe in God and He is our Rock!!!

Happy Anniversary BABE!!!!  I love you so much!!!!  I dream of growing old together with you!  May the good Lord continue to bless us and we serve HIM together!

20 years ago!!!

Now ...

Cheers to many more years to come!!!!!