Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Happy 19th Birthday!!!

 Hadassah turns 19!  Unbelievable how fast time goes!  Last night I went down memory lane and remembered when I started feeling those first labor pains.  At 5 PM, I was sitting alone our old living room starting to count between contractions.  When Mike got home from work, he joined me in timing and we called our family doctor and they said to come in!  We grabbed our suitcase and off we went to the hospital.  I was admitted and got hooked up to a monitor.  

Labor went allllllll night long.  It was a Friday night and Mike was tired from the week of hard work but having him rub my spine with a dough roller was the only tiny bit of relief that I could find with my back labor!  It got intense and I had to keep waking him up to keep rolling that thing on my back!  My progress was slow and hard.  I couldn't do the hot tubs because baby had had a bowel movement already and they could see that when my water broke.  I was put on an internal monitor only allowing me to use the shower if wanted.  Sometime in the middle of the night, I asked for an epidural.  Relief came quickly after that and both Mike and I did actually get some sleep.  Labor was still intense but it only felt like cramps to me now.

By early morning, we were preparing to meet this little one!  We didn't know if it was a boy or girl.  Mike predicted a girl and we even named her Hadassah before she was born.  He was right and baby Hadassah came into the world as a cute, healthy baby girl!  It did take a a few seconds (which seemed like eternity at the moment) before she started crying but that was enough time for my doctor to suction her mouth and nose good before swallowing!  

Hadassah was a beautiful baby, as a toddler and even still today!

January of 2021 she is thriving in life!  She's got a cleaning business with her best friend Jess!  She loves to be with boyfriend Jeremiah the most is now dreaming and planning for her wedding day!

Thank you Hadassah for teaching me so many things!  I love being your mom!!!  You are special and I can't wait to see what God's got for your future!!!!  Keep serving Jesus!  Love HIM above all else!!!!  You are such a beautiful gift from God!

Happy Birthday!!!

~ Mom