Saturday, January 2, 2021

Lapps Christmas Day.

 We drove home from the cabin Sunday morning and then went to Mom Lapp's for the Lapp Christmas gathering!  Mom always has such a nice table and after we ate, we sang some Christmas carols and then each child received a gift from her.  How special.  It's times like these that we still really miss dad!!!

And here's the crew that makes us adults parents!!!!  There are a few little ones that didn't make it on the photo but boy do I love these people!!!!

Then the adults played Now you have it, Now you don't.  It's always a fun way to give and receive!  

John Ervin cooked us up some fried oysters.

The children played all afternoon and into the evening.  We sat around playing Occupation and group games.  After dark, we started cleaning up and played one game of Four Up and Four Down.

Families are special to us and are growing.  Thanks to Mom for inviting us all to her home again.  It's not an easy feat to host this crowd anymore!  Merry Christmas to all the Lapps!!!!