Friday, April 8, 2011

50 Roses!!!!

When we left the hospital and we were on our way home with baby Ashlyn bundled in her car seat for the first time, and there was a pretty pink rose beside my seat.  I looked at Mike and said, "Thanks for the rose!  It's beautiful!"  It smelled so good!  He said, "Oh, that's not from me but from one of the secretaries."  When we got home and I walked inside, there was a HUGE boutique of roses on the bar!!!!  50 ROSES!!!  Totally outstanding!  The smell was so sweet and I just had to stand there and take a deep breath!  I looked at Mike and he smiled!  THIS boutique was from him!  He way out did himself this time!  Even though I truly did appreciate the single rose, this 50 rose boutique was from my man!!!!!!!!  I love you, Babe!  In 'real life' we need to stop and smell the roses!  Every single one ... one at a time!  Even if there are 50 in one vase!

Thanks to those who gave us other floral arrangements.  I am still enjoying the smells and pretty flowers!

Matthew enjoyed the balloons too!  An all out boxing match became his entertainment that night!