Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ready & Waitin'

We've had so much rain!!!!!!  Please remind me on a dry week in August that all the "April Showers" is exactly what God's earth needed!  We are so ready for some sunshine and dry! 

Matthew is waiting to play some little league as soon as the weather permits.  His first game was scheduled for last Saturday, but because of the drenching rains it got canceled.  Then it was rescheduled for Sunday afternoon and again ... it was too wet!  So, the next game date is for tonight.  Yep, you got it - rain in the forecast!  We will wait and see what the weather will be like at 6:00 tonight.

Last week, Mike and the kids went into Sports Authority and bought some sports equipment.  Hadassah wanted soccer shorts.  She loves to play soccer and is running the back yard with that black and white ball right in front of her long legs.  She's good!!!  Mike and Hadassah run and pass it back and forth with Ginger running beside them!  It's so cool!  The other night she was crying that her legs hurt!  I think she over does it sometimes and her muscles get sore! 

Matthew needed bigger spikes and wanted a new bat!  When they got back home from the sports store, Matthew's face was beaming with glee!  He was so proud of what his daddy bought for him.  He couldn't wait to show me!  A new bat bag, new spikes and a brand new bat!  He loves this bat!!!  He's since then got it out almost every day and else just looked at it, or gave it a swing, or cleaned it (it's brand new and really not in need of a polish but he wants it looking good!).  He's cleaned his brand new spikes.  He's wiped out his new glove. He even used a towel for the inside of his brand new bat bag!  I'm telling you, HE IS READY TO PLAY BALL! 

I am ready and waitn' too.  Doctor's orders are that I am not to drive till Ashlyn is 4 weeks old.  If you have a c-section, that's the orders!  With these rainy days, I am content inside and not wanting to take baby out in the damp.  But, when the sun shines and it feels decent outside, I will be ready to get out and about!  I can't tell you how many times the kids said, "Mom, can we go here ... can we do this ... can you go get ... will you pick us up at school today ... will you be at our class party?????"  After each question, I look at them and although I would love to do all these, I have to for now say, "No."  It's 'real life' when we don't always get exactly what we want right now.  I know that in just a few more weeks, we will have warmer weather, be more mobile and getting out and about!

We did manage to get out to Hadassah's piano recital at school last week.  It was short and sweet.  She did a good job!

Last Saturday, when we had so much rain, the kids decided to have a "store".  They were displaying hair bands.  They hung a string from the living room picture window and displayed their products.  I love when they get creative!