Friday, April 1, 2011

Ashlyn's birth story ...

Scheduled c - section was planned for March 30.  The kids went to their grandparents overnight and Ginger got to spend the night with 'dog Bella'.  (Ha.)  Mike and I got to the hospital bright and early at 5:30 AM.  Even though I had to have surgery with Matthew, I didn't remember all the prep work and details!  I got into a hospital gown and hopped up on a hospital bed.  They got me started on IV and asked me lots of questions.  A doctor came in and discussed the numbing process.  When they tell you that they stick a long needle up into your spine, it does not give you a very warm feeling!  It wasn't long till I got moved into the OR room and do the final procedures for surgery.  The room was cold, very sterile, stainless steel and bright lights.  I was put on a 'skinny' bed and had my spinal.  Wasn't more than a few seconds and my legs started feeling numb.  They went to the waiting room for Mike and they were ready to start. 

Mike was able to watch however much he wanted or could handle.  He is not one that is good with needles and blood.  Suddenly, he started getting gray and needed to sit down.  He put his head between his legs and took some deep breaths.  It seemed so strange for me to asking him if he's OK when I was the one on the operating table!  It wasn't long till he felt a little better and watched Ashlyn be born.  I felt this pressure on my stomach (no pain, just pressure) and then a baby screaming!  The doctor said, "It's a Girl!!!!"  Mike took some pictures and then sat down beside my head and a nurse took control of the camera!  They wrapped Ashlyn Marie in a blanket and handed her to Mike!  He put her right up against my face and she looked so beautiful!  I thought she looked a lot like her big sister and knew she wasn't a tiny weight baby.  It didn't take real long before they moved me up to my room and met Mike and Ashlyn there.  It's then that they told me she weighes 8lbs. 1 oz., 20 1/2 inches long.

In my room, holding our newborn baby and feeling 'not too bad' was such a blessing!  Day 1 went quickly by doing only the necessities ... feeding baby, diaper changes, and getting rest.  Hadassah and Matthew got to see their little sister for the first time that afternoon.  They were so thrilled!  I was able to get up and stand beside my bed for a few minutes that evening!  (Let me remind you this is not an easy task after having a c - section!)

Day 2 went as well as expected.  Ashlyn did very good throughout the night and I got my rest!  Recovery was tough this day.  My surgery meds were wearing off and I had a lot of gas pains.  After pains are hard and painful!  I attempted a shower and it was not so pleasant.  I was so sore!  Back to bed and relaxed.  Hadassah and Matthew got to come visit again after school!  I like when they can come see me and baby!  I did get up and walk up and down the hallway with baby by my side and Mike pushing the baby bed!  I have the best husband and helper!  He has done so much for me and is very sensitive to my needs.  He has been with me and Ashlyn as much as he can throughout the day and evening!  I appreciate that!  Mike got to spend some time with the kids that night too.  They also need some 'mom & dad' time through all this!

Day 3 went much better.  Every day is going better and better and I am able to move around more without tons of pain.  Showering went much better and actually felt refreshing.  Ashlyn had another good night and she is doing so well.  She is drinking 2 oz. of formula at each feeding and burps really easy! 

We have a journey ahead of us.  Caring for a newborn and being responsible for another persons life looks like a lot sometimes, but with God's help, we are able!  Keep praying for my recovery and that all heals up well!

God is good all the time and all the time God is good!  Have a great day!