Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A fun Summer list ...

As I was reading some of my favorite blogs, there was mentioned of making a 'summer list' and make it things that will be fun to do and not just chores!  I loved that thought and idea! 

But first here are some small events that have been going on ...

Monday was the first 'non school day' for our summer vacation and it ended up being way too stressful!  I realize now, and forgot, that it takes a little bit of time to readjust to the new routine.  I am one that thrives on routine and I like my usual daily tasks.  Monday morning came and I already decided Sunday night that I would like to sleep in with the kids on our first morning of no school.  That was my first mistake.  I woke up to Matthew begging for breakfast NOW!  For, that's what he's used to doing.  You see, when they are in school I wake the kids and they come right to the breakfast table!  It's one of the first things they do when they wake up.  However, since I too wanted to sleep in, I was still wiping my sleepy eyes while he's lounge on the recliner demanding me to get up and make him breakfast.  Sigh.

Breakfast went in shifts.  Hadassah woke up a while later and wanted her breakfast.  Ashlyn too.  It was 10:30 before I knew it and I felt like I hadn't gotten any morning work done.  Oh sure, the wash was in the washer but the beds were still not made, my devotions was kinda read in shifts, Ashlyn was so whiny and not happy, and the kids were already getting bored!  Mike stopped in and after seeing the lazy bones in the kids he said that their chore for the day was to wash off all the bird poop on the back side of the house.  I'm telling you ... those black birds are so annoying!  It didn't go easy for the kids ... for this was what they said, "We thought we are on summer vacation?  THIS is not vacation!"  We got that explained and out of the way right away.  Just because you are off school and it is summer vacation ... that DOES NOT mean there is no work or chores.  They did agree.  :)  Eventually! 

Tuesday was a much better day!!!  Ashlyn was much happier!!!  Praise the Lord for that!  Sometimes her two year old attitude of "I can do EVERYTHING myself" gets me frustrated way too quick!  I have been thinking (well rather battling) the thought that I should get out and exercise more!  Making excuses just isn't helping my ego any.  None.  So, I decided to start the new, fresh, cool morning with a walk/run!  I came back with everyone still sleeping and it gave me time to shower, have quiet time with God, plus feel much better about myself!  I was ready for the kids to wake up and I felt like I had a better attitude to help them face yet another day.  A summer vacation day!!!

We all went together and got my drivers license renewed and then grabbed some delicious Subway subs for lunch.  Annie called and invited us to the pool and we were excited!  Thanks Annie!  We love spending our afternoons with you and your children in the sun and pool!

Now for My Summer Fun List. 

This will consist of maybe some dreams, real life experiences and things that I hope to enjoy this summer!  There's no order here.  I typed as the thoughts came to mind.  Defiantly numbers 16, 17 & 20 should be on the top priority list! 

Here goes ...

1.  Visit the Haft.
2.  Splash with the kids at the pool!  A lot!
3.  Eat strawberry pie without feeling guilty for the extra calories.  Then eat just strawberries.  They are so yummy fresh picked from the garden!
4.  Continue to exercise.     
5.  Smell the roses.  Fill my vases with our beautiful flowers from the garden.
6.  Enjoy the veggies and foods we planted.
7.  Have sleepovers for the kids.  They really love that!
8.  Make a trip to the beach.
9.  Dates with my hubby!
10.  Eat at The Cheesecake Factory and savor each bite of cheesecake!
11.  Invite family and friends for campfires.
12.  Watch fireworks.
13.  Celebrate life through ice cream cones or root beer floats.
14.  Roast smores.
15.  Realize that my house will continue to get dirty and be OK with it.  For if it would stay clean 24/7, that would mean no one lives here.  With three energetic kids, a husband that comes home each night from work and rolls around on the floor with them and then eats snack on the living room couch, and a wife that refuses to sweep the floor twice a day ... things will be dirty at times!  :)
16.  ENJOY life!  Really enjoy it!
17.  Praise God everyday for our health and for friends!
18.  Visit the library.
19.  Read books.  Either of my interest or to the kids.
20.  LOVE GOD MORE AND MORE EACH DAY!  Let myself be washed in His love and be able to feel His presence!
21.  Can.  Put lots of filled jars in the cellar.  Peaches.  Salsa.  Applesauce.  Pickles.  Homemade cream of mushroom soup.  Other soups!  Lots of jars! 
22.  Grill!  Get creative with summer grilling!
23.  Eat lots of greens.  Salads!!!
24.  Eat homemade ice cream.
25.  Visit our grandparents.

What's your list?  With this in front of me, I also purpose in my heart to not let time just slip by without making a difference to someone.  Our days seem to go by so fast, other days just don't seem to end.  I wish to slow down and enjoy the moment!

Today will be a day at home doing house work and caring for our youngest.  She caught a nasty cough and cold from somewhere?  Please say a prayer for her today if you think about it!

Cheers for these lovely 70 degree days!