Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day in 2013!

We love DAD'S!  They are so important in children and adult lives.  They give strength and wholeness to a family.  They are leaders.  They are strong and yet loving. 

We had a fun day yesterday!  The kids had to get woken up so we can enjoy a whole day of church at my parents on the farm.  We do this every year as a church and it's always so much fun!

Because of it being Father's Day too, the kids woke up praising Mike with kisses and hugs and "Happy Father's Day" words.  They all signed a card and gave him a gallon of homemade root beer.  I know we will have some good times on the back porch drinking the soda and making root beer floats!  :) 

We were then off to the church fun day at dad's! 

Everyone gathers under a big tent for devotions and singing.
 This was for all the Men when they arrived!
 A line up of food warmers ... ready for lunch!  Uncle Alvin making the chicken.  Again!  Thanks Alvin!

 The many drink options!
 Mommy D. helping Shakia bring Coins For Camp.  All the coins that are given will benefit children's camp this summer!  Mike and Ashlyn are giving too.
 Happy Father's Day to Daudy D. too!  My special grandfather ...
 My dad ... Thanks dad for all you do for me and my family!  We love you so much!!!  Also, before church was over, we heard this loud 'coin noise'.  Ashlyn and Shakia thought playing with the coins was fun!  :)
 Lunch time ...
 Ada ALWAYS blows up balloons for the kids and throws a candy scramble.  She's great!
Here's the Daddy for our kids!  He's so special and we love every ounce in him! 
Thanks for all you do for us, Baby!!!  You are the BEST!!!
Mike enjoyed croquet!
 This is Matt and Mike ... again!  These two are too crazy together.  No, no he didn't really hit him!
 Collecting candy ... all they could get!

Ashlyn and Alaina licking their lollipops!

This piece of watermelon was bitten off of and laid on a bench.  The girls decided to finish it off.  They were so dirty and wet from the juice but they loved it! 

 Matthew played so much ball all day long!  He finished off the day playing in the creek and getting all wet!

Hadassah had a blast with the girls that were there.  Her friends are special and in between laughing, running, playing volleyball and eating ... she had a good day!!!

Thanks so much Dad and Mom for opening up your farm for this fun day!  We love you!!!

Happy Father's Day to all you dad's out there!!!  God made you special!