Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Matthew's Ball Tournament ...

On Saturday, Matthew had a ball tournament ALL day long.  He did great!  We missed some key players that are usually on his team.  They were on vacations or not able to be attend, but the Rookies still played some great ball! 
It was hot!  Warm!  Sweating!  In need of lots of water and drinks! 
Matthew's first game began at 9:00 AM.  The Rookies played four games and then the playoffs started at 3:30 PM.  They lost that game and so they didn't make it the final game.  They played hard and were still happy with the games they did win!!!
Here Mike is giving Matthew a nice encouragement.  Mike was the pitcher for all the games.  Matthew likes that he helps his team with that!!!  :)

I love watching Matthew play baseball.  He's got this care free attitude yet one that loves, loves to win!  He never says a whole lot and doesn't let losing get him down and out.  He is an inspiration to me at times!  :)  See how his feet are?  Is he ready?  Yepper ... as soon as the next batter steps up to the plate, he's in position and ready to field the ball!!!

He plays different positions.  Most times it's third base and outfield.  Here he is playing third and ready to make a play!!!

Ashlyn watched from the side lines.  Every now and then you will hear her say, "Go Matthew.  Go Matthew!!!"

It was hot and so applying sunscreen was necessary!  And ... she can do it herself.  We must not forget that!  :/

Hadassah was off with her friends all afternoon.  They played on the playground.  Or watched the older teams play ball.  Or took walks to the snack stand.  They even walked up to Rita's for an ice treat!

After Matthew's last game, I was ready to get the girls bathed and relax.  But, Mike was into watching some of the older boys games.  They played really good.  So, it was Ashlyn and I that came home and got refreshed and cleaned up the house and did some laundry.  The evening was so lovely and the rest of my family eventually joined us on the back porch. 

Good games Matthew and you make a great ball player!  I am so proud of you!