Thursday, September 26, 2013

Autumn Splendor!

Autumn is here and I am still busy.  I don't mind having events planned in the summer because I wouldn't want to miss out on campfire nights, roasting marsh mellows, amusing over fireworks, playing colly over outside with the kids, shooting hoops with Hadassah, swinging with Ashlyn and watching Matthew scoot around on the scooter!  Summer just is a busy, fun time and I love it!  But now that it's Fall, I have a big desire to slllloooowww down.  Is there something like "slowing down fast"?  :) 

I love all four seasons, summer being my favorite!  However, I really love Autumn too!  The smells of cinnamon, maple spice lattes, coffee with hazelnut cream, pumpkin pies, pumpkin bars, apple dumplings, fresh grape juice ... the list goes on!  All so yummy!

Another thing I love about Fall is the weather!  I think September in our little county is the all time best!!!  The cool crisp air in the morning and evening is refreshing!  Then the warm afternoon reminds me that Summer is still trying to share the warm tempts!  I have yet to sit outside and enjoy the warmth on my skin.  I do need to go work outside and pull out the rest of my garden produce and rid of some dying flowers.  That might be my way of feeling the sun on my face again?.

Something that's not so exciting to me is housecleaning.  I love to be organized and have those closets and drawers cleaned out but it takes me a bit longer to get that urge into my head.  It seems to be a chore that I push off for a while and then eventually dig into to.  That was me yesterday!  Such a good feeling!  More days of cleaning are planned for next week!  My carpets need a good cleaning too!

Our watermelon plants have become a fall food around here.  It happened last year and again this year.  I waited too long to plant them and now they are just beginning to ripen.  If they are as good as last year, we won't mind a bit.  Juicy and sweet!  I keep checking them and maybe this weekend we will pull off the first melon!?!

My canning shelves are being restocked too!  It always takes a lot of energy and effort to can soups, tomato foods, peaches, relish, etc..  I am really enjoying my canned soups for lunch or for a quick, easy supper!  They all go so well with a salad or grilled sandwich!

Sitting around a fireplace, snuggled in a blanket sipping on hot cider or coffee or tea ... and just relaxing is what I am anticipating!  Soon!  :)