Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Labor Day Weekend ~ '13

We are back home and the suitcases are unpacked ... again!  We spent four days in Ohio watching and coaching a ball team! 

Mike was the Gators ball coach all season.  He did such a great job and really, really enjoyed it!  He did not coach any tournaments though except the one we were at this past weekend.  For years, we went out to Dublin, Ohio, and Mike played ball in this church tournament.  Then the past two years, the team did not go out.  So, this year, Mike was so into going out with the Gators and helping them by coaching!

We left Friday afternoon and drove the long seven hours west!  That trip just don't seem any shorter even though we traveled it many times!  The kids did do so good though and I was thankful for that!  We arrived at 9:30 PM tired.  The motel we stayed at was huge and really nice.  It was also really crowded with lots of small children.  It just so happened to also be a big soccer tournament for some out there.  It was midnight before we got to sleep.

Saturday the weather was gorgeous.  Perfect for some good ball games!  We went to the park and watched three 'not so good' games with the Gators.  They just couldn't seem to get started on any good hitting.  They lost all three games on Saturday and believe you me ... the team was down and out.  When we all got back to the motel, the guys were doing their usual tussling, when suddenly they heard a crack and poor Matt Glick was off to the hospital.  He broke his arm!!!  We also had some rain so the evening games all got canceled.  That gave us some time to hang out and grab some good food to eat.  The guys ended up at Steak and Shake.  Us married families that went along, we all enjoyed some food at Longhorn!  Fun time!  Again, it was midnight before our heads hit the pillow.


Sunday morning was relaxing knowing that no games would start before noon!  The kids slept in and after some devotions and story reading, we ate breakfast and headed for the park once again!  We really hoped the new day would bring us some new game results!!!  It did!  The Gators won two in a row!!!  Our spirits were much lighter and we were having a good time watching them perform well!!!  Hadassah and her friends went to the water park right next door for the afternoon and loved the slides, lazy river, and big pool!!!  Matthew hung out with Chris ... so glad we knew at least one boy there at the park his age!!!  Ashlyn and Jennifer played together so well too!!!  I had packed her small animals and some toys and they played and played!  Thanks Jenn for being such a good playmate!!!

Matt Glick in his arm sling ...

The sun was bright and hot.  They used the umbrella for shade!!!  :)

Waiting at midnight for her milkshake and Matt's burger.  The blue tongue is so gross!  Not my buy but a gift.  :)

The Gators played their final game Sunday night.  We were proud that they did make it to the big tournament bracket!!!  Good job guys!!!  The rest of the night was spent at the motel and waiting for Matthew's burger and Hadassah's milk shake!  Mike decided to go get something to go at Steak and Shake but while he was there, the team guys showed up.  He ended up staying there and eating with them.  The waitress was new and it took her really long.  The waiting and waiting was tough but after they ate, and we all said "Sorry" for getting so mad at each other.  We laughed about the whole situation on the way home Monday morning!

Monday morning, we enjoyed another motel continental breakfast and then packed up the van and headed home.  The ride home went well too but again it seemed far!!!  It is good to be home again and now I think I can say that our Family Summer Vacations/Outings are over.  It's time to settle into the school schedule and get to bed before midnight!!!  My body is still trying to recuperate!!!

She was exhausted!  Again, eating her favorite snack of cucumbers!!!

Thank you to all those who made our weekend so enjoyable and fun!!!  We love the Gator guys and really did enjoy seeing them grow in their game skills!!!