Friday, May 19, 2023

Mother's Day!!!!

What a special day to celebrate all Mothers!!!!  Our children mean the world to me and I love them to the moon and back!!!!!  Hadassah and Jer had a roller hockey game to attend but we still captured a photo at church!  I love these people!


It's so cute to see the littles gather a few gifts for me on Mother's Day!  I absolutely love the note from Austin!  Ashlyn asked Matthew to take her shopping on Saturday night to buy a gift for me and they came back with coffee beans!!!  Love that!  The youth handed out roses to all the moms at church!

Mother's are so special and I love my mom and mother in law so much!  Both of these ladies have taught me a whole lot in life!  They helped me with the babies and children when they were small and still speak into our teenagers lives!  I learned how to cook, how to garden, how to house keep from these ladies!  Thank you SO MUCH!!!!!

After church, Mike's mom invited us over for burgers!  What a treat!  Then Hadassah and Jeremiah came over and we hung out here at home together!  I got to take a nap and we ended the evening down at my parents with all my siblings roasting steak pieces and s'mores around mom and dads campfire!  My parents do such a good job hosting and I love it when we don't send out one text to anybody but everyone shows up to celebrate Mom!!!!!

Happy Mother's Day!