Thursday, May 25, 2023

Track and Field Day.

Track and Field Day is a fun day at school.  It seems to odd to only have one at elementary now and only one child to follow from one event to the next but Austin did a good job with all his events!  The morning was started out with a relays on teams.  Austin was on the black team.  Then in the afternoon, we moved to the track events!  It was sunny, on the cool side and a fun day!

There is always that moment for me on a day like this.  The kids are divided into color teams.  Each child gets points for how they finished their event.  At the end of the day, who ever has the most points, wins!  I tear up every year when I witness dads or moms running side by side with their child that signed up for the mile run.  Or when everyone is cheering loudly for their teammate!  This year, Austin was in a race and right after take off, some of the boys tripped, feel and one boy was left way behind.  He finished the race in tears.  His dad came to talk and help him tie his shoes tighter and he was given a second chance to run the race.  This time, he ran harder with all his classmates cheering like crazy for him!  I seriously got tears!  What would it be like if we would cheer for our Christian friends with such enthusiasm after a simple mistake and fall?  I always think of how it's going to be when I cross the finish line in life and cross over into heaven!  I believe angels cheer for us and what a glorious celebration when another believer enters heaven!  Track and Field Day always reminds me to keep cheering for others!  Keep working hard at each task in life!

Way to go Austin!