Wednesday, September 21, 2011

~ 25 Weeks Old ~

Today marks another week older for Ashlyn.  25 Weeks old.

She's moving around so much!  We can't leave anything on the floor that she's not allowed to have because she will get to it!  Sucking on Tinkertoys, dog bones, and paper is not a healthy, hearty baby meal!!!  Instead we usually try to feed her 6 oz. of formula, baby cereal in the morning and baby vegetables at supper.  She loved the sweet potatoes and now we want to try some green beans.  Smile!!!

She is also starting to show some personality traits.  She can show some spunk.  It happened a couple of times that she was playing with a toy and dropped it and she got all upset and started to really cry!  Last Sunday in church, I gave her my watch to hold.  She dropped it on my lap and I quickly gave it to her again.  Too late ... she started crying and crying and crying.  It made her so mad!  Time to start 'breaking that strong will' in her!

Her smile is still an energizer for us!  She smiles so sweet with her whole face lighting up!  She loves her daddy!  Just by hearing his voice makes her start whining and wants his attention!  Yesterday, Mike was out of town and when he was on his way home, we passed each other in our vehicles.  We both stopped and backed up (we were on Harvest Drive with no traffic going).  Mike and I chatted a little and when I drove away, Ashlyn started crying.  She wanted her daddy to say hi to her too!  I stopped and Mike said hi to her and of course that just made things worse.  Then she wanted out of her car seat and go with her daddy!  Mike loves that she wants to be him and he does a great job giving her attention!

Hadassah and Matthew are enjoying school.  Matthew wakes up in the morning excited, comes home tired, and goes to bed saying, "I don't like school.  All we do is do work."  Then in the morning, he's excited again.  I keep reminding him that if he doesn't go to first grade (really, like he has a choice!!!) he will never be able to read and write.  That seems to make school much more important to him!  Hadassah is loving her fourth grade!!!  She thrives on getting the daily math problem right and earning more 'big bucks'.  She is looking so forward to tomorrow because her class is doing chocolate covered items (pretzels, marsh mellows, mints, etc.) for their school sale class project.  They will dunk the goodies into chocolate and then sell them at the school sale on Saturday!  (If you want to fun day out with your kids, come to Linville on Saturday.  There will be a breakfast served, an auction all day long with really neat things to buy, lots of food, great smoothies, and always the best baked goodies for your lunches next week!)  Hadassah loves to hang out and doing school work with her friends is never a problem for her!

I am busy housecleaning and getting those closets that really needed attention cleaned out!  It's a great feeling when you know all the windows are clean and the front closet that I dreaded to open, I can actually now see the floor!!!  (I am the type that the outside appearance in my house need to stay tidy ed up, but some of those hidden places - like the closet - get messy!)  Thanks to mom and Jody for helping me clean yesterday! 

I ran tonight for the first this week.  It felt great to get out and run!  Last night at small groups I requested prayer for my head.  I felt like I was starting with a head cold or head allergies or a headache????  They prayed and when we left, my head did feel better!!!  I came home tired and slept great!  My head was clear all day long today and I kept praising God for touching me!!! 

Mike's been dealing with some foot issues recently.  We need a prayer for him too!  He has athlete's foot and he is rubbing this mineral salt stuff on his feet.  There is puss and wet goo oozing out of his feet!!!  It's gross but healing up!

Have a great 'end of the week'.  Mine is going to consist of more cleaning, some photography, baking, and mothering!

(I didn't get Ashlyn's pictures taken today for her 25 weeks old.  Maybe tomorrow ...)