Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why is mud so inviting???

On Saturday, the kids were playing outside.  I heard Hadassah say from the back door, "Mom, come look at us.  It's worse than you think!!!"

I walked to see what was going on and she was covered in mud.  They were playing in the garden again and had a blast.  Hadassah said to Matthew, "Let's see who can get the dirtiest."  That's all a boy needs to hear!!!  They even put mud on their faces.  Is this what you call mud art???

They both looked at me like I was to help clean them up!  WRONG!!!  If they choose to get all muddy and do that to their clothes, then they are also able to clean themselves up!

They got in the little sink in the garage with their muddy clothes on and scrubbed down.  A warm tub bathed seemed to vanish away all the deep mud marks!

Kids will be kids!!!!!!!!!! 
Notice all the mud on the sink just from getting in???  Sigh.

I hope to do some house cleaning today while they are in school.  No guarantee's that it will stay clean with these two partners in dirt!!!

Have a great, clean day!