Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ashlyn is 5 1/2 months old ...

How can my little baby be 24 weeks old already?  Scary to think how fast she is growing.  It is a great privilege to be able to love her and care for her!!!

She marked a pretty big jump from being 4 months to becoming now 5 1/2 months old.  She is growing out of the 'newborn baby' look.  She smiles all the time.  She doesn't sit yet, but that's not stopping her from exploring.  She rolls all over the floor and in the last two weeks she is even trying to crawl.  She scoots on her belly and tries to get up on her fours.  If there's a toy on the floor, she will get to it.  She even got to one of Ginger's little bones that was lying on the carpet.  And yes, everything goes in the mouth ... doggy bone included.  Time to get off the floor everything that she is not allowed to have!!!  She is constantly grabbing for all she can get a hold of.  (Funny.  As I typed that I thought "wow, I can be like that too.  And I am not a five month old baby!!!"  Sometimes in life, I just grab for everything I can get a hold of.  Earthly, carnal things.  I love having new and seasonal things.  Of course it never comes free, so that limit's my wants to many dreams.  Seeing the fall decor come out in stores and noticing the mums and pretty fall flowers show up in the planters in town, makes me want that for my back porch!  Why am I wanting more all the time???  I consider it a good thing when I find myself wanting more of God.  When I want to start my day with some scripture or a devotional of some sort!  That hunger for God is a good thing.  I hope that today, God can satisfy all my wants and let me engulf myself in His word and in his love!  And yes, I went to attic and brought down my fall decor that I have used for many years!  Those orange leaves and little pumpkins seem to fit the season just right!)

Ashlyn is most times awake when Mike leaves for work!  This is his morning delight!  (I love it that the kids can see her in the morning before they head off to school too.)  She's happy to see him always!  Love's her daddy and when she sits on his arm when he holds her, she puts her arm around his neck!  "This is my daddy!!!"  Speaking about daddy, the other night when Mike was in Florida, Ashlyn was fussin and fussin.  She was sitting in her saucer and playing with her toys.  She kept making the sound "ma ma".  We would repeat it and then she would say it.  Really???  I think it was just her making baby noises because she hasn't done it since, but the kids and I would like to think that she was trying to say mama!  Her daddy thinks her real first word will be "da da". 

She graduated from her bouncer seat into her high chair when we eat supper.  Usually, she would sit in her little vibrator and watch us from the floor.  This week I got the high chair down from the attic and she sat in there last night for the first to watch us eat our dinner!  She looks bigger sitting in that!  I also bought her some baby food this week.  Tried to feed her some sweet potatoes last night.  She shivered and then ate some more!  I am still feeding her baby cereal in the mornings and she loves that!

She has figured out the johnny jump too.  She likes to jump in that!  It makes great entertainment for us as we watch her develop and strengthen those leg muscles!

Have great day!!!  Looks like a perfect day to stay indoors and do some cleaning!  Be blessed!