Saturday, December 3, 2011

Friends from long ago ...

I had a night out with just girlfriends.  Old friends.  Friends from when I was a teenager and young.

It's been so way over due to get together and not something we do often.  I got a call on Wednesday and all but two were able to hang out.  Sometimes those last minute plans work the best! 

We met in town (like we used to do).  We laughed at the same girls (like we used to do).  We put some extra miles on the suburban from just driving around trying to find our way through Lancaster City (like we used to).  We had a great time (just like we used to always have)!

From town we went into Prince Street Cafe and the city was packed with people, the shops were open late for shoppers, the Christmas lights were all lite and there was lots of hustle and bustle all around.  We got in the long line and ordered our coffee drinks and desserts and then pushed two tables together to chat mist all the early holiday chatter. 

... Anna Mae, Sharon, Angie, Geneva, Rose, Jane and myself ...
They call this cookie the ... Cookie Whoopie!!!
Yep, we laughed at the same girls we used to always laugh at!!!

Something that we didn't have back in the day was cell phones.  We sat around storing each others number in our contacts for future acquaintances!

After sipping our lattes, tea, and coffee's, we headed off for the movie theaters.  We were hoping to watch the latest "Footloose" (this was a popular movie back in my younger days), but we were too late.  Amazing how some things really don't change that much!  Ha.  So we watched "Dolphin Tales" and we enjoyed it!

We all piled back into Geneva's suburban and headed back to town.  Driving home at midnight was not the feeling I used to have when I was a teenager.  I used to wish I could stay out longer and hang out and do nothing but .... hang out.  Now, 14 years later, I was glad to be driving home.  Home to the sleeping family.

It was a great night and would have been "perfect" if Rosa and Kathy could have joined us yet!  Thanks girls for hanging out and having a great time!

"Good friends are like stars .... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there."