Friday, December 23, 2011

~ School Christmas Parties ~

Matthew made a manger out of a toilet paper roll, some straw and baby Jesus.  He actually left his lay on his desk, so we will have to wait to get that till next year (ha, ha).  His class had a snack, played a game and made a craft.

Because Matthew forgot his craft at school, we made a replica of it here at home this morning.
First grade watched a 30 minute movie about the birth of Jesus this week and Matthew loved it!!! 
He was telling us all the story when he got back home.  Then they were to write and draw what they
learned and seen!  Here's Matthew Christmas Storybook!!!  I love it! (Love that donkey!)

Hadassah's class did a 'now you have it, now you don't' type of game.  A story was read with 'right and left' in it and every time 'right' was said, they passed the gifts to the right.  The same went for 'left'.  Everyone had a gift and the boys and girls were separate.  Hadassah got nail polish and candy.  Then they had a snack and craft.  Hadassah loved the chocolate covered pretzels and her craft was cute.  Snowman soup:  hot chocolate pack, candy cane and Hershey kiss.

 They were challenged to give this little gift to someone they want to bless. 
Hadassah knows who she's giving it too!  She can't wait!

Ashlyn stole the show in both classes!
Big sister ... Little sister!
 Hadassah has this tin gum can that she uses in her desk.  Ashlyn grabbed it and was so happy to
part of the party!!!  EVERYONE raved at her hat and she was loving the attention!!!
 "I promise I was realllllly good this year!!!" 
 Waiting for the kids to gather up their backpacks and goodies and we are home for the holidays!!!

Be Merry this Christmas!